10. "The kiss"

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Kim Namjoon.

The corridors were empty and it was just me and Jin out here. It wasn't particularly dark as the sun's rays tore in through the windows.

Jin had turned around to face me. And he was so close that... I forgot what I had to say.
I checked him out instead. He had a beautiful thin body and his face had this charm that made him inevitably handsome than most of the guys I had seen around here.
He had beautiful plump pink lips, layered with a lip balm.
I started to wonder how he would taste.
I didn't realise that we were up really close and that he was calling out my name.

"Namjoon! Why are you here?"
He snapped at me, clearly looking angry.
"I-..." I was about to give him an excuse but I realised I didn't have one.

"I'm sorry..." I finally chocked out.
He scoffed.
"Do you even know what you're apologizing for!?"

At this point, I had lost all my patience. I cupped his face into my hands, pinned him to the locker and got as closer asto him as I could so much so, that our breathing became one.

"Nam-namjoon... what-"
I cut him off. As our lips United against each other, I slowly began to find pleasure in him. He seemed to resist at first but then, his hands moved up to my neck as he crossed them around me. I placed one of my hand on his neck, and the other one on his thin waist. God he was a good kisser.

After almost 30 seconds, he broke the kiss pushing me away as he got breathless. He looked cute but at the same time angry too. Soon enough he looked at me eyes wide and his hands touching his lips. I feared he was disappointed in me. He looked at me in disbelief and snapped

"Kim Namjoon! Why did....why did you kiss me ....?"

He said the last thing so slowly I could barely even hear him. I knew he was angry. And he was confused. And we both stared at each other both looking for an explanation.

But just then I felt dazed. The room around me blurred and the last thing I remember....is that Seokjin was running towards me...

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