11. In the Hospital

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Kim Seokjin

I could not believe what had just happened. Kim Namjoon. The boy I care about, the boy I find attractive...he just kissed me. O my god he KISSED ME!!


I don't know the reason but I know I was angry. I didn't even know why I was angry, but I was confused and happy and excited and sad and perplexed, I was a mix of feelings. A bag of emotions.

"Kim Namjoon! Why did you-... Why did you kiss me?"
I chocked out as we both looked at each other not Knowing what to do.

He looked back and forth between me and the ground. However I had no idea that my screaming would have a bad effect on him and what happened next was probably the most devastating thing ever.

Namjoon slowly moved backwards. He clutched his head with one of his hand and fell back towards the lockers. At first I thought he was just surprised at what he did, but then when he hit his back on the lockers the sound made me flinch and I sensed that something was not right with him.

His eyes looked as if they were deprived of sleep, and he fell onto the floor. I ran to him just to catch him in time to protect his head from hitting.

He whispered something in a very slow voice.

"I should have died"

And after that, he blacked out. I was sitting there, he was in my arms and I was continuously calling his name trying to wake him up while my eyes got wet and a flood of tears ran down my face.

I picked him on my back and took him to my car. That too because the school had dispersed and we were supposed to go home.

I drove as fast as I could to the nearest hospital and called Yoongi and Hoseok on my way there.

The calls merged as I practically screamed into the phone.


Hobi called out from the other side of the phone.
"Jin, calm do-"

I cut him off. I was not in a mood to calm down.


"I'm on my way" both of them thundered into the phone.

Namjoon was lying on the back seat and i was worried sick. What had happened to him?

First off, he bumps into me. Then he runs away from me, into the bathroom. Then he comes out only when I get Yoongi. Then I come back to Hoseok. The corridors are almost empty. Namjoon walks in saying he wants to apologise to me. We kiss. Then he falls back to the lockers and blacks out.

All the incidents of the past hour keep playing in my head into I reach the hospital.

Yoongi and Hobi are not yet here but I feel they will be soon. I pick up Namjoon in bridal style which is really no what I meant to do, but I can't get him on my back. It looks even more wierd.

I meet a nurse who calls the doctor. I lay Namjoon down on a strecher bed looking at him, eyes closed, mouth tight lipped. And his body almost .... Lifeless.

I turn away as they take him into emergency. And wait.

In that moment while I think about where I went wrong, Yoongi and Hoseok arrive.
They come up to me running and Yoongi shakes me so hard I think I might break like a Russian doll.

"Jin! What happened!? Where's Joon?? How is he? How did this happen? Did you do something? Whare the fuck is my brother?!?!?"

Yoongi's eyes have glint of tears. I never thought Yoongi had a soft corner.

How face is wrought with worry. I can't answer him. I just can't. Thankfully before Yoongi shook me again, the doc came out the room, and we went to him.

~•Sorrowful love•~ NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now