35. Fear.

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Jung Hoseok

I. Am. Terrified.

I am in Yoongi's car. Sitting beside him. He's looking straight at the road, but his eyes tell me that his mind is wandering elsewhere.

He barely swerved off a car a few minutes ago.

"Yoongi? You ok bro?"

He doesn't answer. He sighs loudly and straightens up. And finally speaks in a very slow tone.

"I don't know Hoseok. I just don't understand."

I'm confused by his theory, but at the same time concerned about him cause he looks really tensed.

"What do you mean? What is it you don't understand?"

"The gods. I don't understand the gods. Cause look, every time Namjoon and Seokjin are the happiest, one of them gets injured. I don't understand why this is happening to them. I feel bad for Jin and Namjoon."

It makes sense. When these two were getting closer as friends Namjoon got injured and now when they were happy love birds, Jin is on the verge of death.

"I think you're right. Maybe the gods really don't want them to meet"

I look away and outside the window, cause I feel so down that I don't think I have ever been this sad, my entire life.

And it's all because of some stupid rumors. The rumors took my Jin from me. He's holding on by a thread that, I fear, is about to break.

I really have no hope that Jin would make it out alive. Because when I saw Jin at the hospital, I was in a state of heartbreak.

His head was bandaged, with a little red spot of blood on it, his hands were on the sides and one of them had a glucose tube pierced into it. His hands were almost blue, but the skin colour was still visible a bit. It wasn't clear if his heart was beating or not, cause when I touched his chest, I felt nothing.

He was lying there totally lifeless, and now only one day and 7 hours are left for him to wake up....

~•Sorrowful love•~ NamjinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora