12. "Calm down"

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Kim Namjoon.

"He's critical. It seems as if this illness of his has pertained since long. May I ask how you guys are related?"
That's the doctor. Maybe. He was talking to 3 people. Two of whom were standing in the doorway while one in the school uniform is sitting on the chairs, his head in his hands.
Out of The other two, one's face screams 'worry'. Maybe it's Yoongi. My brother. But I can't figure out his face.

Everything is a blur. I don't know where I am, or how I even got here, but I wanna know where Seokjin is. He must be worried. Maybe I collapsed. Again.

Oh. I remember now. We kissed. I was trying to give him an explanation. But I blacked out.
I remember my head spinning and the room becoming a mix of random colours and Jin calling out my name in his sweet voice.

"I'm his brother." Oh. That must be Yoongi then.

"And who are you two? And which one of you brought him to the hospital?"
That's the doc. Why is he so interested in all this? If he's treated me alright, can't he just shut the fuck up and get moving? Why bother my bro?

"Uh... I'm Hoseok. And... that is Seokjin. He is the one who brought Namjoon here."
Oh. So that's Hoseok. And the boy on the chairs is Seokjin.



I immediately get up from the bed on which I'm laying, pulling all the tubes and wires along, that were connected with me.

I manage to choke out only one word before I lie back down again as the doce pulls me down to keep me calm.


After that, the next few hours were a haze. I was on the bed, Yoongi and hoseok sitting on the little couch in the hospital room. While Jin was sitting on some sort of stool next to me holding my hand that has a glucose tube pierced inside it.

He was sleeping.

And that too in such a position that I wondered how he hasn't managed to break his neck yet.

I wriggle a bit, to correct my own position but unfortunately, I wake him up.

"Namjoon!! You're awake! I'm sorry, I don't know what happened and I'm sorry and I'm so confused are you ok? I don't know what to do I don't understand what happened I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do anything wrong Namjoon I'm-"

I cut him off before he chokes himself by running out of breath from all those words and that worry.

"Jin, Jin. Calm down. It's ok! I'm fine. And you didn't do anything. I'm fine really." I try to reassure him as his face that was wrought with worry finally softens.

Geez, he's so worried about me... He's so cute.

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