34. Lonely

32 3 2

Kim Namjoon

I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing, but I do know that Hoseok is sitting on the chairs with me. I'm lying down on the cold chairs.

I get up with a jolt making Hoseok flinch.

"How long has it been!?" I ask him straightaway cause I don't wanna waste any time, and I wanna go back to Seokjin.

He sighs loudly and simply murmurs "2 hours."

No. No no no! It's been two fucking hours since I was lying here unconscious!? Shit-

I need to get back to Seokjin.

I get up, but a wave of nausea washes over me and I almost fall back.

Hoseok catches me in time so I don't fall over. He's silent. He's too quiet and it's making me feel depressed. I have never seen Hoseok in such a desperate state.

His hair were sticking out at wierd angles. He looks tired and his eyes were full of sleep.

"Hoseok hyung, you should go and get some sleep. I'll take care of Jin. Please. You're really tired."

I'm asking him to leave his best friend in the hands of a monster. Wow.

"No Namjoon. I have to stay here. With Jin. And you too. I have to look after you too since this might be too much to take in even for you."

His voice cracks in between as he says this. And it's so full of sadness and distress that I just want to curl up and die for ruining the peace of such a lovely soul....

"I think I should rig Yoongi hyung to take you. His house is nearby, you can stay with him, and I'll notify you as soon as I get any news on Jin. Please hyung."

I will beg to my knees if I have to cause I can't afford to see the most cheerful person on the planet turn into a miserable one, all because of me.

"Fine... I'll go. But please, take care of my brother. Take care of my Jin. He's my everything."

He looks like he's about to cry and I can't help the guilt that's rising in my heart.

I clench my jaw to stop the tears from flowing, and slowly pull out my phone to ring Yoongi.

"Hyung...can you come at xxx- hospital? ......yeah..., Not me, can u come to pick up hobi hyung?.... I'll tell you later, he's tired right now and needs sleep, please take him with you.........ok, alright"

Yoongi keeps asking about the reason we are at a hospital but as soon as I mention Hoseok he got all worried, and I could hear him get on the bike, so, that means he should be here soon.

So we sit and wait.
And when Yoongi arrives, he successfully convinced Hoseok to go home with him.

And now I'm left alone, in a hospital, with my boyfriend on the brink of death, and all I can feel is dread, fear, and loneliness.

Too much lonliness...

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