44. Moving on.

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Devastated after Jin's death, Hoseok was losing his senses. The barriers of right and wrong, all broken, Hoseok could only think of Jin. He was the only place his mind was at, since past 3 days.

They had to beg Hoseok to confirm that the lifeless, unmoving, dead body lying on the bed was that of his best friend, Kim Seokjin.

He had lost all he ever loved. Kim Seokjin was a brother to him. It didn't matter if he was 3 years older than him. The love he had for Seokjin, was indefinite. The pain he was going through was not definable.

His condition was as bad as a patient in an asylum. He started seeing things, things that weren't there, he stopped talking to people, and his downturned lips, that never frowned, were failing to form a smile on his once sunshine face.

He had Yoongi who desperately looked out for him. But Seokjin's death was a truth, he had to carry for all his life.

He stopped meeting people, stopped seeing friends, locked himself in his room doing god knows what, but one thing that bugged everyone, was that he stopped smiling.

Soon enough, his body started losing activeness. He needed to eat. He would stay up at nights, eating everything his hands got to, sleeping till noon in the Mornings.

He changed. This went on for weeks.

No one could believe that the one whose room would be sparkling tidy, his room was littered with 2 days old shirt on the floor, and weeks old socks and trousers on the bed.

Both, Namjoon and Yoongi thought that Yoongi's room was cleaner than his.

He had to be treated. Yes Seokjin had left. Yes he was no more here, and yes he might have left with regrets, but this was going too far with Hoseok.

Yoongi got him to get rehabilitation and get treated. No matter how much Hoseok refrained, Yoongi got him to go and get treated.

At times Hoseok would just enter Yoongi's room without warning, and lie on top of him, sqishing him underneath.

"You wanna sleep with me?" Yoongi would ask him.

"Mmhmm" that's all Hoseok would reply with and it was enough for Yoongi to wrap his arms around him.

Loving each other was the only way they could try a shot at moving on. Because that was the only thing left to do.

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