14. Explanations

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Kim Namjoon

I laughed at how much Jin was scared of Yoongi. And how Hoseok was ready to take his side everytime.

And come to think of it... Why wouldn't he? Hoseok should take Jin's side cause Jin is the kind of person who cannot set a foot wrong. Even if he did, he would immediately apologize cause he can't stand the guilt from that.

And that's why... I think I'm starting to like him....

This feeling is new to me. It has never happened before. Every time I met a person, I never saw this much care in their eyes as I see in Jin's.

I can tell for one thing that, he is possibly the most purest of souls. Plus bonus, he's really really handsome.

I think Jin has earned as much trust of mine that maybe I should tell him about my past. A drastic story that only Yoongi and I know.

"Um... Guys...?"
They don't hear me. They're too busy shouting at each other.

"Who do you think you are!?
Who I am? I'm Kim Seokjin! Why are you shouting at me huh!?
Guys calm down ple-
Hobi you stay out of this!
Jin you're so absurd! You did this to Namjoon!
Wow. The one who saved him is the one being accused! Do you have any shit in that brain of yours!? Do u know how to work it?
Oh I know better than you! I've known Namjoon for years now!
Oh. Well then marry him! Cause I don't give a fuck!"

Yoongi blaming Jin, and Jin trying not to panic while Hoseok is trying his best to calm them down but all he's doing is even shouting more in the process.

It's a damn chaos.

"GUYS!!" Finally I shout making all of them stop mid sentences.

"What?" Yoongi snapped back.
He's still angry.

"Uh.. Yoongi hyung... I... I need to talk to Jin... Alone. Please?"

Yoongi looks at me like I've just asked him to donate his heart.

"You think I'm gonna leave you with this psychopath!? No kiddo. That ain't gonna happen. Not after what he did to you."

"Excuse You! Who the fuck are you calling a psychopath!? "

I cut them off before they start bickering like kids. Again.

"Hyung...trust me. Jin didn't hurt me. It was a headache. I wasn't feeling so good. Please. Just for half an hour."

I request him looking as pleading as I can cause I know that my pleading face melts him.

"Ugh. Fine. Let's go Hoseok."
"Sure Yoongi-ah"

After they both leave, I ask Jin to sit next to me.

"So...what do you wanna talk about?" Jin says.

"Well...it's about me. Like, it's about my past. Yeah. All of this," I gesture at myself, "is the influence of my past memories."

"Ok...well, why do you wanna tell me about it?"

"Because after Yoongi... you're the only person who has shown care and concern towards me."

"Oh. That's good, I think... I don't know."

"You ready?"
"Yeah. Shoot."


"Ok. Listen .. I had a rough past..... I mean... I know that's kind of vague but I don't really know how I am supposed to explain it to you actually I-"

"Namjoon.... Hey. Calm down okay? I'm here. Take your time. It's fine. I understand if you won't be able to tell me right now, but just know that I'll always be here for you."

After that, Kim Seokjin....gave me such a beautiful smile that I thought I might just kiss him again.

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