36. Abandon?

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Min Yoongi

Hoseok's face is wrought with worry. I can barely focus on driving while seeing him like this. Since the day he's been living with me, I feel like I had been missing out on too much by being an introvert.

Hoseok is a pure hearted soul, and he's totally outgoing. He doesn't think too much, and I think it better than being like me and overthinking.

However, today, right now, at this moment, I can tell that he is thinking more than he should.

I didn't have any idea what had happened until Hoseok was fully seated in his car, which I had brought from our home since Namjoon had mine.

I had no way to know what they were doing at the hospital, until Hoseok told me himself. It's his right to be sad, but looking at him being so miserable right now feels so threatening.

I might be a quiet person and a bit rude at times, but I notice everything and this behaviour of Hoseok is hard for me to handle.

I look over at him. He's looking straight at the road, with no expressions. His eyes have a sad ant tired look, but I'm not sure if that's because he hasn't slept lately.

Suddenly he speaks up, breaking the tension between us.

"Yoongi. I might be going insane, but I don't think I can trust Namjoon....
Or you."

His words take my breath away and I step on the brakes, which almost had us flying across the road.

"You WHAT!?"

"It's true Yoongi. Me and Jin had no idea where you came from, how you got admission in our school, or who was your family. We might know a bit of Namjoon's past, but I know nothing about you. I know I might be saying senseless things, but you've been a great friend to me, and I felt like I needed to tell you this, cause this thought has been eating me from the inside now."

I feel like he just ripped my sould out of me.

"I...I understand. And... I'm sorry I made you feel like that"

We spend the rest of the drive in silence. I can't say anything, I can't look at him, I can't even think now.

After about 10 minutes, when I look towards Hoseok, he's asleep. He looks so at peace, I have half a mind to stop the car and just stare at him.

But I need to get him to bed, or he will wake up tired rather than refreshed.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. We've been staying together for months now. He knows me. He befriended me. He likes me.

No. Right now, Above all that,

He needs me.

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