The confession

30 4 7

Kim Namjoon.

After listening to Jin's story, and all that happened to him, I am in a state of utter shock. And anger. I feel the rage slowly rising inside me. I don't understand this feeling, but I want Revenge.... I want to beat up that person who touched this boy. I just couldn't believe that Seokjin would hide such a thing from me. Right now, I am in a state of complete furiousness, while he just laughs it off. He got hurt. And that too so bad. How can he just let it go? He's covered in bruises from head to toe.

Looking deeply, I know he let it go cause he thinks he's weak...

Jin called out to me. He's looking at me like a confused puppy.

"I know what you'll ask. 'are you ok?' yeah. I'm fine. Just angry."

Jin was looking so sad I wished I could just give him a long tight hug and pray to god that he'll be fine. I wished this could be true. He helped me a lot while I was in the hospital. Now I can't turn my back on him.

I shift closer to him, look him in the eye and pull him towards me. He let's out a gasp.


"Shhhh. Don't say a word Jin. I can't stand anyone hurting you. It hurts me."

"Why? It's not like I'm someone special to you..." he pulls away from me.

"Yeah Jin... actually about I think... Jin I...i think I...I- ugh! I THINK I LIKE YOU!"

There I said it. These words took all of my courage. I hope he doesn't reject me.

"Y-you what ..?"
"It's fine if you didn't hear."

"I heard it Joon..."
"Then that's good."

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. We both had nothing to say to each other. I looked at him and finally broke the silence.

"Do you like me too? Do you accept me?"

"Um... Namjoon it's...I know you know that I'm gay. But are you that too? I mean you don't look like it but, I uh, I don't know I might hurt you, I might not be the one, you can't just-"

He had to be stopped. He had almost started rapping like he's some world famous rapper. I grabbed the collar of his shirt beneath the pink sweatshirt, and pulled him in. He fell over me and eventually we both ended up looking deep into each other's soul.

"I... Jin I accept you, no matter what you are. Your gender identity doesn't matter to me. I accept you cause you're perfect just the way you are. But the question you accept me?"

I managed to clear my feelings for him....but now I'm afraid. He's lying on top of me and he looks like he's thinking. I am afraid if he'll accept me...

"I do" he breathed out.
"I do Joon. I had liked you from the very start. Since the day you joined school, I had loved your looks. But now I understand that you are not just, are beautiful."

"Pretty and beautiful are the same aren't they?" I said, not really understanding what he meant.

"You dumbass, you ever heard of inner beauty?"

And we looked at each other, and laughed. We laughed until our stomachs ached. I hope things stay like this...

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