20. An Almost Confession

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Kim Seokjin

The next day after school, I went back home, and changed into my best clothes. I put on a white shirt and slid a black sweater on it.

It wasn't particularly cold, but the weather had been changing. Also, I'm not on good terms with cold.

I took my car and reached the hospital soon. There outside Namjoon's room, I was greeted by Yoongi. I was surprised that he was alone and Hoseok wasn't hopping around anywhere near him. Infact, hobi was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Yoongi. I say as I reach up to him.

He looks up at me, stands there for a moment, and then wraps his arms around me. I was too stunned to speak anything.

Yoongi just hugged me.
What the HELL happened?

Soon enough a horrible thought dawns in my mind.
Oh no... What if... Something happened to Namjoon...

I quickly push Yoongi away and look him in the eye.

"Yoongi. Tell me what happened. Is Namjoon alright?"

Yoongi looked a bit wierd. He panicked when I asked him this.

"Wait, did I scare you? I-i'm sorry, I didn't want to do that. Yes Namjoon is ok. He will be discharged tomorrow. I just.... I hugged you to tell you that I'm.... sorry. For- everything that I said to you. I shouldn't have said all that crap. I just.... I'm thankful that you saved him. That you brought him here and called me. I'm thankful that you care for my brother."

He paused... Then looked Me in the eye and said-

"Thank you, hyung."

A little blush creeped up my cheeks, as I smiled wide. No one had ever called me hyung before. Except Namjoon, once that too when he was half asleep yesterday.
But hearing it from Yoongi felt different and good.

"No problem Yoongi. He is my best friend too. I'll always take care of him. "

Then Yoongi led me inside the room. And Namjoon was there. Lying on the bed. Sleeping peacefully.

I went near.

His eyes were closed, and he was lightly snoring. I smiled. Looking at him this way was a relief for me, after what I saw yesterday. He had been way too upset. He doesn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of it. I carefully ran my hand through his ruffled silly brown hair.
He shifted in his sleep. I held his hand and sat down next to him on a chair.

I thought he would sleep more, but he woke up as soon as I sat down. His eyes flickered open and he looked at me.

"Hi Jin hyung"
"Hey Namjoon. How are you feeling now?"

"I'm good hyung, thanks to you."

"No problem. Well, since you're awake, do you wanna eat something?"

"What do you have in mind, hyung?"

"I'm thinking black bean noodles with pickled radish would be great."

"Nice choice hyung! That's great. But who would bring it?"

"Well, Yoongi told me hobi went down to the chemist. I'll call him. Hell get it for all of us. "


So I called hobi and he agreed. He said he would be up back in 5 minutes.

"Hey Jin?"
Namjoon called out to me.


"Thanks you know....for saving my life. You're like my guardian angel. I've been feeling better ever since I met you."

"Wow. You have a great choice of words. Anyways you're welcome."

"Also... Jin... I wanted to tell you something..."

"Yeah go on"

"I....I think I'm starting to-"

He was cut off mid sentence as hobi burst in to the room, his hands full with things.

"Well, what is it Namjoon?"

"Never mind.... I'll tell you later sometime."

I shrugged. I don't know what he wanted to say, but it seemed serious...

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