"Protect you at all costs"

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Kim Namjoon

We reach school almost just on time before the gaurd could shut the gate in our face. We both ran across the corridors and to our classroom where Mr.Hyuk was just starting the lecture.

"Ah." He exclaimed looking at us. "If it isn't the Kim team. Where have you both been? And God look at your faces. You're covered in sweat! Go wash your face and come back."

Thankful that he didn't give us a lecture on being late, we both spent the rest of the lesson without even looking at each other. The classes passed in a daze and soon it was lunch time.

Seokjin had left earlier as I had asked him, since I was still packing my bag.

When I reached the lunch hall, I immediately looked for him. However I couldn't find him. I asked the other students but he was still nowhere to be seen.

Worried, I rushed out of the hall and dashed around all the corridors to look for him. Yet I couldn't find him.
Then it stuck my mind.

The bullies. The rooftop!

I made a run for the rooftop, almost slipping on my way up. And there he was. Seokjin surrounded with a bunch of bullies. He was on the ground begging them to let go of him. His nose was bleeding and his face was stained with tears. Before I knew it, my mind lost it. I ran towards the three boys, and grabbed one of them but the collar, turned his face to me, and punched him in the face. He lost balance and feel backwards. I was on top of him and I punched him continuously. For some reason that cannot be defined, I felt really good.

I felt a pull on my sleeve as the other two try to get me off that boy. They succeed in dragging me down, but as soon as one of them tried to punch me, I heard a loud bang.

Seokjin had hit the boy with some scrap of metal.

"Stay away from My Namjoon!" Jin yelled.

He sat there clutching his head as the third one fled in a hurry.

Finally, we both sat there not understanding what just happened.

"Thanks Namjoon. If it was not for you, I would have died by their hands today."

"Yah Jin, no need to thank me. I had to save you no matter what. I lost it when I saw them hitting you. I have to protect you at all costs."

"Gosh, thanks. But how did you know I was here?"

"Instincts. Now shut up and get up, and let's get you to the medical room"

So, now we returned home with extra work for fighting, a scraped leg, a bleeding nose, and plenty of bruises
and laughter.
As soon as we got to Seokjin's home we threw our bags on the floor, lied on the bed, (in very awkward position I must say) and fell sound asleep.

~•Sorrowful love•~ NamjinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя