Chapter two

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Pic above is Alex's outfit
Song of the sparrow- SayWeCanFly
I woke up to the morning birds. It was a sunny day. It was seven. My parents left home around six. I got slowly up and put on a plain gray muscle tee, dark blue jeans and a pair of combat boots. I brushed my wavy black hair and put on some mascara and concealer. My boyfriend, Declan's letterman jacket was hanging on the hook in my room. It always makes me smile. I don't want to wear it today because it's 75 degrees out and the jacket's to heavy, so I slipped on a light, black hoodie. Once I looked descent, I headed down stairs to get breakfast. My breakfast contained a muffin and a banana with peanut butter and honey. I finished eating and got my stuff together. Then, there was a knock at the front door. I ignored them, hoping they'd just go away. I heard murmuring and walked closer to the door.
"I know you're in there!"shouted the guy. "You need to come out."
"I'm not allowed to open the door to strangers!"I shouted back.
"I said get out here, NOW!"the guy shouted now angry.
"Fine,"I said opening the door. Right as I opened the door, a figure towered over me. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out of the house. Before I could scream, his hand went over my mouth. I gasped, accidentally inhaling some sweet chemical. My eyes began to droop and I felt very tired. I fell into the guy's arms and fell into darkness.

I woke up dizzy and thirsty. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a car with four guys that seemed to be around my age maybe a little older. Owww what the f***!!! My wrists! They're tied behind my back. The rope's cutting in. My ankles are also tied together. I tried to scream but I was gagged. It came out as "mmmmm".
"I think she's awake,"said one of the guys next to me.
"We are about seven hours away,"the driver/head kidnapper said. "You aren't going to see your family ever again. You got the letter the Alpha sent you, right?"
I nodded.
"You shouldn't ignore stuff like that,"he said, smirking. "But I'm glad you didn't. It means less work for us."
He's mocking me!!!! He should be glad that my hands are tied or he'd have a broken nose. I glared daggers at him. He chuckled, looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"Do you want some water?"asked the guy in the passengers seat. I nodded slightly. The guy next to me ungagged me and just as I was about to speak, poured water into my mouth. I swallowed. Is water supposed to taste chalky? Oh no, no no no no no!!! My eyes got heavy and I fell asleep once again.

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