Chapter twenty six

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Colton Haynes as Cole^
Alex's POV
I woke up to darkness. Why's it so dark in here? I try to move but I felt something bite at my wrists and feet. There's cold metal against my legs, back and parts of my arms. After a second I remember what happened last. I remember going to bed, then waking up in the middle of the night to find Jake on me, then being tied and cut, the note, then the needle.

Shit, I've been kidnapped by Jake for Cole. I tried to scream but it was muffle by a thick piece of tape and I tried to move the chair but it was too heavy. I need to escape before Cole kills me. I'm not going to die because of him.
Suddenly, the dim lights turned on and a brown hair, blue eyed man walked in. Cole.
"How was your sleep, Alex?" Asked Cole, coldly. "I didn't mean for you to sleep for three days but I guess the needle was too much for you. Oops."
Cole ripped of the tape covering my mouth. I tasted blood in my mouth, indicating that my lip was bleeding.

"HELP ME!!! Someone!!!! Help!!!" I screamed. Cole looked amused but didn't try to stop me.

"It's only us and a few of my rouge guards are here," Cole remarked. "No one will hear you. No one will save you."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked while glaring at him.

"I'm trying to take over Adam's pack. It's the biggest and strongest pack in the US and almost the whole world. If I kill you, Adam wouldn't have a reason to live. Then after Adam dies, his pack will collapse and be easy to take over."

"That's terrible! You're a fucking asshole! I hope you never get a mate. You deserve to burn in hell!"

The look in Cole's eyes could kill a person. His nostrils flared and his eyes when dark with anger. Maybe saying that wasn't such a good idea but he had it coming to him.

"You shouldn't have said that. Next time I recommend you shut up."

Cole brought over a bucket of shiny, crushed up metal. It was a werewolf's worded enemy, silver. Cole picked up the bucket. I panicked, knowing he was going to dump it on me. He dumped the silver on my legs. I hissed in pain as the silver burned my skin, turning it red and hot. Tears streamed down my face but I didn't want to give him satisfaction of my screams. He wants me to scream so I won't. He eventually brushed the silver off my legs. I saw red burns all over my legs.

"Hmm, trying to act brave, are you? I'm going to get you to scream one way or another."

He pulled out a really sharp knife. I shook my head violently. Cole jabbed the knife into my side as I tried not to scream. He twisted the knife around in circles. My screams echoed off the walls and Cole laughed at me with a sinister smile. He took the knife out and blood oozed out of the huge cut.

"I'm going to have fun torturing you," said Cole with an evil smirk.

Nathan's POV

This morning I had to go to some pack meeting. Pack meetings are so boring. I don't even know what this one is about and I'm exhausted because it's like six am. I'm like a zombie because I haven't had coffee yet. I heard someone clear there throat at the front of the table. It was Carter's father, Alpha Robert.

"We are here, at this meeting today because of a issues in the pack. There has been a report of a pack trader amongst us, working for rouges."
There were gasps and whispering amongst us. The pack's in danger. Alpha Robert silenced everyone.
"Everyone keep an eye out for anyone suspicious and I promise you we're doing our best to find the trader and protect the pack. You all are dismissed."
After leaving the pack house, I went home and got coffee. Feeling more energized, I went to my room to play video games. After a couple minutes of playing Halo in peace, I heard a loud knock. Sighing, I got up and opened the door to see a panicked Adam.
"Um, what's wrong, Adam?" I asked, cautiously.
"Do you know where Alex is?" He asked, looking into my room.
"No," I replied. "I though she was either still asleep or with you."
"Well, she isn't with me or in her room," said Adam, his face starting to go pale. "Where could she be?"

"Have you looked more in her room?" Maybe she went to the bathroom or something."

Adam's POV
I turned around and walked into Alex's room. Nathan followed behind me. The room spelled like blood. Alex's scent was fading. We looked around for a minute before I picked up a piece of paper off Alex's bed. My face paled even more as I began reading the note out loud:
Dear Adam,
You did well trying to keep Alex away from me but I have my ways. Alex will die a slow painful death but I'm going to see how strong she really is by torturing her. By the time you read this note, it'll be too late. You're pack will be mine and you will be dead.
Ps: the red splatter isn't ink.
There were red splatters on the paper, bed and floor. My breathing became deeper and deeper. I ran out of the room and out of the house because I felt like punching something but I don't want to damage the Snow's house. Once I got to the woods, I punched a tree. I didn't care that my knuckles were bleeding.
"Why!?" I yelled up at the shy.
Why can't I be happy with my mate here. I love her so much but Cole keeps taking her away from me. I just want to mark and mate with Alex, have children and live with her for the rest of my long life. She is my world. It starts crumbling without her.
Sorry about the constant change in POV. I hope you liked this chapter.

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