Chapter eleven

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Let Love Bleed Red- Sleeping with Sirens
Back to Alex's POV
It was already the middle of the week and Adam was being so nice. One morning I woke up next to him. He smiled at me and stroked my cheek. I smiled back at him then frowned, remembering what Cole had said. In a few days I would be leaving Adam and going home. Even though I should be happy, I'm not. I'm starting to really like Adam. Not love but really like him.
"Sunshine, are you all right?"he asked, brushing a stray tear away with his thumb.
"Yeah, I'm fine,"I said.
"I don't believe you,"he said, with hurt in his eyes. "It hurts me to see you this way. If someone hurt you or said something to you, I'm going to rip their head off. You wouldn't tell me the the last time we talk."
"I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready,"I told him, truthfully. I have to. I walk to the bathroom to take a shower. After I had the water running, I took the shirt Adam let me borrow off. Just then Adam open the door with clean clothes in his hands. He growled, loudly at the huge bruise on my back and the bruise and deep fingernail marks on my arm.
"Who did this to you?"Adam asked with anger and sadness in his eyes.
"I-i fell,"I said weakly. My back was still turned.
"Don't believe you," he said. "I will find out who did this to you." He left after setting the clothes down on the counter. I got into the shower. It eased my tense muscles.
Four hours later, I was sitting in the kitchen reading a book.
"Alex?"said Adam getting my attention.
"Yes, Adam."
"My parents want to meet you tonight. Is that alright?"
"Adam, I would love to meet your parents,"I said, happily. "What time?"
"Ok, I'll get ready,"I smiled at him and he smile back, kissing me on the cheek.
"Don't miss me too much,"he whispered in my ear. I shivered.
"I won't,"I said teasingly. "I'm actually getting tired of you."
He growled. I laughed. Sometimes I wondered what life would be like if I wasn't here. I'm glad I met him though. At home I would be with Declan. Wait... F***, I forgot about him. I'm such a terrible girlfriend. Oh no, I'm cheating on him. The reason I forgot about him is he was just so clingy and overprotective. He made me think I was in love with him. The only one who saw through him was Carter. I've always liked Carter but he's too much of a player.
Hey peeps, how was the chapter? Do you guys like Adam? Any ideas who the characters should be caste as?
I just noticed that she has no girl friends. I'll try to sneak one in somewhere.

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