Chapter twenty nine

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Alex's POV

Cole took me out of the freezer like had said before to Vic. I couldn't move for about half a day after. I seriously thought I was going to be paralyzed and that scared me so badly. The abuse has gotten worse and now Cole isn't giving me food. I feel so weak. Maybe I am better off dead. There's no doubt I miss Adam but I probably won't see him before I die. I won't get married to Adam or see my children or grow old.

"Get up!" Cole snapped at me. "You're mate is looking for you. We don't want him to find you before I kill you, right? He'll never find you anyway. If he saw you like this, he'd be so disgusted by you."

"It's not my fault," I hissed, angrily. "I didn't ask for this."

"Shut up, bitch," Cole said, slapping me. "I'm going to kill you tomorrow. I'll make sure it hurts bad."

Tears streamed down my cheeks. Why couldn't Adam be faster?
Adam's POV
The next day...
Surprisingly, Jacob came to my office. I think I scared him by locking the door. I didn't need him running. That would ruin everything. It's been a few days after he confessed to kidnapping Alex for Cole. Right now he's lock up in the cells. I don't feel bad for him at all.
"Adam, Jacob is ready to talk," Delilah said, tiredly. She hasn't gotten much sleep since her brother confessed. I can tell that she is really upset with him.
"I think he'll tell us Alex's location."
"Ok, thank you, Delilah," I replied, softly. "You need to go to your room and sleep. You look exhausted."
Delilah has been staying with Nathan while we figure out were Alex is.
I walked to the cells and went to Jacob's cell. It was so dark I could barely see, so I turned on a light. Jacob looked terrible. He had dark circles under his eyes and stubble around his jaw. His eyes were blood shot due to lack of sleep. I don't feel bad for him. He hurt my mate. If she dies, he and Cole dies. I'm going to kill Cole even if she doesn't die and Jacob won't go without punishment.

"You're here," Jacob growled, venomously. "What do you want?"

"I want to know where Alex is!" I yelled at him as I stepped into his cell. Luckily his hands were cuffed behind his back. "If you don't tell her, you will die a very painful death."
I got on an anti-silver glove on and picked the block of sliver up. He started shaking the closer I got. I pushed the silver against his neck as he screamed.

"Are you going to tell me now?" I asked, still holding the silver to him. He nodded slightly and I removed the silver.

"She's at Cole's mansion a few hours away from here. He got his vampire friend to hypnotize me into taking her and not saying anything about the location. Trust me, I don't want her to get hurt."

I nodded at him noticing his eyes go back to normal. I didn't notice that his eyes were green before, not blue. I guess he really was hypnotized.

"I'll take you to her if you want me to."

"I'll get you fresh clothes and you can take a shower," I said. "We leave right after."

I unchained Jacob and led him to the house. After he went to a bathroom to shower, I went to find everyone in the living room. They all stared at me.

"Jacob is going to take to her," I told them. "You guys stay here."

"No way," exclaimed Nathan. "She's my sister. I'm coming to get her, too."

"I'm going if he's going," said Delilah. "I helped you so I deserve to go."

"Alex is my best friend," Carter said. "I'm going, too."

"No, Alex is my best friend, not yours," Delilah retorted.

"Fine, you guys can go with us," I grumbled. "Taylor, you coming?"

"Uh, yeah," she stammered. "I know medical stuff, so just in case she's hurt badly."

I nodded, hating the idea of her hurt badly but I knew she was because Sin has been whimpering.

"You guys ready to go?" asked Jacob, after a few minutes. He had new clothes on and had shaved with the razor I gave him.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's go."

Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. I've had a lot going on with school. Also, I had writer's block. I know this chapter is bad but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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