Chapter thirty one

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Sorry for my lack of updates lately. I'm under a lot of stress with school. I just really happy people are reading this book. :)
Adam's POV
I raced out of the office and down to the basement. Sure enough I smelled Alex's scent. It was mixed with wolfsbane and silver. No no no!!! This can't be happening. She's dying slowly. If I don't get her home right now, she'll die for sure.

I ran to the area with the cells and stopped when I heard muffled sobbing. I smelled my friends scents and I knew they were still down here. Maybe they were waiting for me to find them and Alex. I started walking farther along the empty cells, a layer of dirt and dust covered the cement floor. I could now smell Alex's scent stronger. Then I smelled the mix of rogues and raw meat or a science experiment. I'm guessing that Cole is using Genetically Modified Werewolves(GMW) as cell guards. No one's allowed to use them because they're easy to brainwash and they're really strong.

A couple minutes later, I came to a cell that held Nathan, Jacob, Delilah, Carter, and Taylor. I tried touching the lock but I hissed in pain as the silver burned my skin.
"It's going to be ok," I said. "I'll find a way to get you out of here."

"You need to go get Alex first," Sobbed Delilah. "It's worse than we thought. Be careful, the GMW guards are close."

I ran to where Alex's scent was coming from. When I saw her small body, I was petrified. She was shaking violently and she had bloody gashes all over her.

Once I collected myself, a growl ripped through the air from within me. He's been hurting and starving my mate and now she's dying. I ignored the silver burning my hands and bent the bars. Suddenly, I was ripped off the cage with a lot of force. I tried struggling in the huge GMW's grip but it was no use. I watched as Alex's body shook even more violently and blood started gushing out of her wounds. It hurt me and my wolf, Sin, so much. Sin started pushing through the barriers we had between us, trying to get out and kill the giant guards. So I let him. I transformed into my wolf and pounced on the two GMW. They fought back but the fight ended with their throats being ripped out by yours truly.

Cole came down the cell hall and stopped right in front of my mate's cell not noticing me. He walked casually into the cell and sat on the end of the cot that Alex was on.

I came out from behind the shadows and growled at Cole. He looked surprised to see me and then laughed.

"Does the wolf want his little mate?" Asked Cole with a sinister smile and then shifted into his wolf. My wolf glared at him and then growled. Cole walked towards me and tried to kick my wolf. My wolf bit his leg and created a huge long gash in his leg. He howled in pain. I bit at his neck and took him down easily. His head was decapitated by my livid wolf. This made all of the GMW fall to the ground dead. I made one show me the keys to both of the cells before killing them. I opened my friend's cell before opening Alex's cell, so that we could take Alex home.
"Will Alex be ok?" I asked a doctor. The young lady, Mariana, turned to me.
"Not unless she gets blood," she said, sadly. "To get her blood type here in time it will be too late. Even her brother can't give her blood."
I gritted my teeth. I won't let her die.

"I'll give her my blood," I said. "I'm her mate after all."

"I'm sorry, Alpha, but I can't do that. It's possible but very dangerous with her being seventy five percent werewolf and you a hundred percent. It could kill her."

"I need her!!!" I yelled, making Mariana jump. "We're doing this if you like it or not. I am an alpha and I demand you to let me do this."

"Y-yes, alpha," she said nodding.

I need Alex to wake up for me. I would die for her.

Sorry for not updating in a while and for the poorly written chapter. I shall update again soon. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Positive feedback would help a lot.

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