Chapter twenty

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The football field without bleachers
Mad Hatter- Melanie Martinez (sorry about the poor sound quality)
Alex's POV
"Did you hear that?" I asked Declan, my heart thumping in my chest. It was definitely a growl. Not a sound a human could make.
"I'm going to go investigate," I said, uneasily.
"I bet it's nothing, babe," Said Declan, casually. "Don't take to long investigating."
"Ok," I sighed.
I tried to find where the sound came from. It wasn't that easy in the huge football field. At the nearest corner, I went behind the bleachers. I walked a bit before hearing a soft purr. Then, I looked down to see a big wolf. It's head had to a least reach my stomach. My parents did say to watch out for wolves. But this wolf is different. It purred when I pet it. I think it's a he. I ran my hand through it's silky coat. I crouched to eye level with it, showing it that I wasn't afraid of it (possibly not the best idea). His eyes were familiar. He nuzzled his nose into my neck and started sniffing it. Then he licked my cheek. It kind of weirded me out so I stood up. It whimpered.
"Are you ok?" I asked as if it understood. It grinned at me, wolfishly.  It just grinned at me. This is not a normal wolf.
    Suddenly, I heard cracking. The sound of bones snapping. I covered my eyes in horror as the wolf changed. When the cracking was over, I uncovered my eyes. Standing in front of me was a fully dressed Adam. Uh-oh, this isn't good. I don't know what to do. I'm not supposed to see Adam ever again. How could he come and see me?

"Alex, I'm missed you so much," Adam said, hugging me.
"It's only been a couple days since I last saw you and rejected you," I retorted, rudely.
"I know what happened, though. I know what happened with Cole. He's no longer my Beta. He's not even in my pack anymore. I will never let him touch you again. Please come back with me."
"If you haven't noticed already, I'm on a date with my boyfriend. I don't have time for this. I don't know what would happen if he found out about us."
"What do you mean?" Asked Declan from behind me.
"Ummm, nothing," I said, quickly.

To Be Continued....
Hey guys! Sorry it was so short. I needed to update. I haven't been able to update lately because of testing and schoolwork. Thanks for reading . Like, comment, follow:)

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