Chapter twelve

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Pic above is Alex's outfit
Ancient History- Set It Off
I'm so nervous about meeting Adam's parents. What if they hate me? What if I make a total fool out of myself? What if what if what if. Adam told me to wear something fancy because we're going to a nice restaurant. I put on a little white dress and a pair of cream colored high heels. My hair was a mess so I decided to straighten it and put a flower crown in it. My make up was simple. I used concealer and a little blush to give my cheeks more color. Mascara have my eyes more of a pop and I curled my eyelashes (pic above).
"Alex, time to go,"Adam said from out side the door. I opened the door to see Adam in a black tux.
"Wow, you look amazing,"he said as his eyes turned dark grey. "It's really hard for me to control my wolf, right now. I think we should cancel the reservations with my parents for another time. I don't want anyone else seeing you like this." He sniffed my neck, trying to control himself.
"No, I want to meet your parents,"I said, honestly. Him sniffing my neck is normal. It helps him keep this wolf and him controlled and calm. "It would be rude canceling on your parents. I would be delighted to meet them. They're probably on their way now."
I heard a soft growl from him. He gave me a small peck on the lips and put his hand around my waist.
When we got to the restaurant, Adam's parents were already there and seated. We sat down and ordered drinks. Adam's mom was a tall lady with brown hair and light blue eyes. She had a friendly smile. His dad looked like an older version of him. He had black hair and bright blue eyes. I swear that has to be a werewolf gene because it's not normal to have neon blue eyes.
"You must be Alex,"said Adam's mom. "You look gorgeous. I've heard so much about you in the last couple days. I'm Victoria and this is Hugo. We are delighted to meet you and so happy that our son has found his mate."
I shook there hands and smiled.
"It's a pledger to meet both of you,"I said. "I'm glad I met Adam. He's a great mate. I love him."
"I love you, too,"Adam said, looking into my eyes.
"You guys are so sweet,"said Victoria. "You'll be a great Luna."
"Yes, she will,"commented Hugo. "How did you two meet?"
Saying 'Well, Adam had his goons come to my house and kidnap me' wasn't the best idea. So I just looked at Adam.
"You tell them,"I said in a sugary sweet voice. He just glared at me.
"We met each other a couple days ago when she was touring the area,"he replied casually.
"How lovely,"said Victoria smiling at us.
"Isn't she a human?"asked Hugo.
"Hugh,"said Victoria, worried.
"Yes, I am,"I replied. "Does that matter?"
"Oh no, not at all,"said Hugo as Victoria glared at him. "We're just glad that he isn't sleeping around like he usually does."
Victoria gasped. I really felt like crying. My heart broke a little bit. Adam used to sleep around? I can't believe him. I haven't lost my V. I don't smoke or drink or do drugs. Adam growled at his dad. Hugo just acted like nothing happened. I got up from the table and rushed to the bathroom. Locking myself in a stall I cried. Why did everything have to happen to me? I cried for a good five minutes and dried my tears. Thank god for waterproof make up. I walked back to the table and sat down. Adam put his hand on my arm but I pushed it off.
The rest of the night was tiring. I kept quiet for the rest of dinner. Once we got back to the house, I ran to my room and sat on the bed with my knees to my chest. A sob came from my throat. After a few minutes, Adam came in.
"I'm sorry about my dad,"he said.
"It's not his fault that he told me the truth about you,"I said, sadly. "I'm sorry Adam but I don't think I can be with someone like you."

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