Chapter twenty two

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I'm not sure who to cast as Alex yet but I'm thinking either Crystal Reed or Lily Collins.
I'm upset because I made a trailer for the book and uploaded it to YouTube but I can't find it.
The Hanging Tree by Jennifer Lawrence cover
Alex's POV
When we got home my family was in the living room talking to Carter. Then they turned to where Adam and I were standing. Well, at first they didn't notice Adam.
"Oh hi honey," said my mom, confused.
"Your back early. Is everything ok? Where's Declan?"
I breathed in a shaky breath, not looking at them. It hurt that Declan broke my trust even after my parents finally trusted him. I might as well tell them.
"Me and Declan are no longer together," I said ask a tear slipped down my cheek. Adam wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him.
"Alpha Adam," Spoke my father, worriedly and almost scared. "Out of respect, why are you here?"
"I'm here because of my mate, your daughter, Alexandra," Adam replied with smile.
"That's adorable," My mom said, beaming. "You found your mate, Alex! I'm so happy for you."
"Yeah, just great," I said, lacking enthusiasm. "I really don't feel like being happy, right now. My ex boyfriend fvcking cheated on me!"

I ran up to my room and slammed my door and locked it. I sobbed into my pillow. Why did this have to happen to me, right now? I bet Declan just used me because I have a pretty face or maybe I was good for his ego. It doesn't matter now. We're over. It still doesn't explain why he was going to mark me. My head began to hurt with all the crying and questions so I just fell asleep.

I woke up next to a big pillow. I was too tired to open my eyes so I snuggled into the warm pillow. The pillow moved. Wait, the last time I checked pillows don't move. I opened my eyes to see Adam who was half awake. How did he get in my room? How did I not notice?
"Good morning, Sunshine," He said in his sexy sleepy voice.
"Morning," I grumbled, feeling embarrassed because I probably looked like death. I tried to get out of his grip but failed.
"I need to go to the bathroom," I said, sleepily.
"No," he said, holding me tighter to him.
"I'll pee on you if I have to," I said, not taking no for an answer.
"Gross," He muttered, letting me go. I ran to the bathroom and did my business. Then, I looked in the mirror. I didn't look terrible like I thought. I washed my hands and my face and brushed my teeth.

The thought didn't occur to me until I got back to the room but how did I get my pajamas on. I don't remember putting them on.
"By the way, your mom changed you last night. You were out like a light when I tried to wake you and I didn't think you would feel comfortable with the fact that I took your clothes off, so your mom came in here and did it," Adam said as if reading my mind. I crawled back into bed and smuggled into Adam. He kissed my forehead and softly told me sweet nothings until I fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, there was someone banging at my door.
"Alex! Open the damn door," Said the person who sounded a lot like Carter. Shīt, Carter. I nudged Adam who had fallen asleep, too.
"Alex, are you hurt? What's wrong?" Adam asked, panicking.
"I'm fine," I said. "When did Carter leave last night?"
"After you went upstairs," he said, nonchalantly.
"Can you hide in my bathroom?" I asked. "Carter is very protective of me and he might jump to concussions."
"Yep, I know," Said Adam.
"I'll ask you about that later, just go."

I opened the door to Carter. He looked worried and sleep deprived. I hugged him. He hugged me back, sniffed
me then growled.
"What?" I asked, exasperated.
"You smell like another guy," He said bluntly.
"Um ok," I said, thinking that was weird. "Hey, I'm back. You need to get some sleep. There's nothing to worry about now."
"You have a mate," He sulked, ignoring me.
"You will find your's eventually," I said, trying to help.
"It will never be as important to me as you are."

Thank you guys so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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