Chapter thirty three

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Pic above is Ashlyn
Alex's POV
Four years later...

I had my baby, Benjamin(Benji) four years ago and he's getting so big. I can't believe it! Adam and I got married three years ago. It was so beautiful. Delilah was my Maid of Honor and James was Adam's Best Man. They sorted out their problems and are now bonding like brothers should. Taylor found her mate, Beau(pronounced bow). He's one of the pack warriors and he's really sweet and funny. Before me and Adam mated and found out I was pregnant, she went to Los Angeles to train as a pack doctor. After two years she came back to Adam's pack and found Beau. But before I get ahead of myself, let me go back.
Flash back...
"So I have an announcement to make," I said, after we all got seated at the fancy restaurant. "You guys are probably wondering why we're eating at such a fancy place and what the occasion is. So... I'm pregnant."
Delilah and Ashlyn squealed and Nathan and Carter congratulated us. Delilah's always wanted a niece or nephew but Jacob's mate sadly rejected him.
"Oh my gosh, I'm getting a niece or nephew!!!!!" Exclaimed Delilah, happily.

"If you need any help, I'm just a call away," Ashlyn told us.

"Thanks, you guys," I said, right before our food came out. I had ordered a burger because why not. I don't care if this is a fancy restaurant. We talked about random stuff and had fun telling stories. After dinner, I had a piece of chocolate cake.

"I wish Taylor was here," said Delilah.
"Me too," I agreed.
End of flashback

"Mommy," Benji wined with tears in his eyes.

"Yes Benji," I said, sitting him on my lap. "Why are you about to cry?"

"Daddy's being mean," he cried. "He told me that if I don't take a nap, I will be taken away from you guys."

"I'm going to give daddy a stern talking-to," I replied, sympathetically. My parents used to tell me the same thing. "That would never happen. I will never let anyone take you away from us." Benji stopped crying but kept sniffling.

I picked him up and took him to the living room, where Adam was. He looked nervous for a moment, seeing my annoyed look. Serves him right for scaring our little angel.

"Benji told me that you told him that if he doesn't nap, he will be taken away from us. Is that right?" I asked, sternly.

"M-maybe," he stuttered, nervously. "He wouldn't take a nap, though. I tried everything."

"That doesn't give you any right to scare Benji. You might just have to sleep one the couch tonight."

"But babe-"

"No, you will not make excuses. You are setting a bad example for Benji."

"Ok, I'm sorry, Benji. No one will take you. We would never let that happen."

"It's ok, Daddy," Benji said. "I still love you!"

I laughed at Benji's change in attitude. He's such a happy child. I hope he always stays this way. After Bengi ran off with his cousin, Mae, I kissed Adam. We make sure not to kiss in front of the kids because they think it's yucky. Adam kissed back eagerly, biting my lip making me moan. I straddled Adam. My lips left his lips and trailed down his neck making him growl playfully. Before he could respond, I heard someone clear their throat.
"Um, Alex could you please get of your mate?" Asked Nathan, emphasizing the please. "No one needs to see that."

"Fine," I replied with a sigh and sat next to Adam.

"I just wanted to tell you that Delilah put Benji down for a nap."

"Really? He let her put him down for a nap but not me?" Complained Adam.

"Well yeah," I said, honestly. "All you do is tuck him into bed and then leave. Benji only sleeps when he has you read a book to him and has you sing to him. You know that."

Later that night...
"Mommy!!! Mommy!!!" I heard Benji cry, loudly. I've dealt with this all week and it's Adam's turn this time. Benji keep waking up with bad dream but ends up going right back to sleep after someone hugs him and tells him everything's ok. His crying is usually just a few tears.

"Adam," I poked him. We were in the middle of watching the second Captain America movie."It's your turn to put Benji back to sleep."

"Fine," Adam sighed, before walking upstairs. I only had to wait for a minute before Adam came back down. That's weird because it usually takes us about ten minutes to get him to sleep.

"Benji is crying hysterically and he really wants you," Adam said, looking panicked. This has never happened before. I ran up the stairs and into Benji's room, sitting down next to him on his bed. He hugged me really tightly.

"Mommy, don't leave me," he cried, still hugging me. After a few minutes, I laid him back down.

"What was your dream about?" I asked Benji, worriedly. He sniffled, looking at me teary-eyed.

"There was this brown haired guy with green eyes and he killed you."

I froze for a second. He just described Cole. But Cole is dead. He has to be.

"I'm here," I said, soothingly. "I'm not going anywhere."

I laid next to him until he fell asleep. Then carefully, I got out of his bed and when back downstairs to get Adam.

"Adam, we need to talk in our room," I told him, seriously.

"Ok, love," he said, worriedly. Once we got to our room. I sat down next to Adam. He hugged me to him and told me everything will be ok in the end.

"Benji had a dream about Cole," I told him, scared. "What if he's back?"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been pretty busy lately and I've had writers block. Sometimes, it's hard for me to get into the writing mood. I'm sad to say this but the book is coming to an end in the next few hours. Thank you guys for your support.


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