Chapter fourteen

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Pic above Alex's runaway outfit
Runaways- All Time Low (this song is more than perfect for this chapter)
Alex's POV
I've been driving for hours and I'm so f***ing lost. I pulled up to a gas station. I'm low on gas and I found money Cole left me in the glove compartment. While I was getting gas, I noticed a cute guy staring at me. I looked away. Reason one, I just left Adam. Reason two, Declan is my boyfriend. I just can't think about guys right now. I pay for the gas and get back in my car. My stomach growled. Might as well get something to eat. The gas station was clean but old looking. The florescent lights buzzed and the door dinged. When I found the row with cookies and other sweets, I heard another soft ding rang through the small store. I looked over to see a guy staring at me. The same one as before. It started to creep me out. He had the summer tan that all the popular people dreamed of and dark brown hair that had that "just got out of bed" look. He winked at me and smirked. I just rolled my eyes and went back to looking at cookies. I decided Oreo bites and a Dr. Pepper was in need. The caffeine will hopefully keep me awake enough for me to keep driving a couple more hours. I was just about to get out my wallet to pay for my stuff, but the stranger got there faster and gave the cashier a twenty.
"I got it," he said, smiling at me, sincerely.
"Thank you, but I could have gotten it myself," I said with a small frown.
"It's fine. I don't mind paying for a beautiful girls stuff. By the way, are you from around here?"
"Umm, no," I said, hesitantly. "I'm from Orlando, Florida. I'm not really sure how to get home. Terrible sense of direction."
"Oh wow, I live there, too. I'll take you there, if you want. I've just been visiting a friend. He's been issues with his ma- girlfriend."
I laughed at his cover up. He's totally a werewolf. I can tell by just looking at him.
"I know what you are and I don't care. I'm human but I have a mate. It's confusing. You don't have to drive me. I could just get instructions."
"No, no. I insist," he said with a grin. "I'm Jacob, by the way."
"I'm Alex. We should go before it gets too late."
He grin grew wider and he grabbed my stuff for me and walk to his car. I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him. Yes, I know not to get in a car with a stranger but I'm desperate. This is my one chance to get home.
"So, you have a mate that lives here?" Jacob asked, curiously.
"It's complicated," I said, tiredly. "Stuff happened between us."
"If you want to talk about it later, I'm here to listen," He said. "But right now you need sleep."
I was glad I changed before I left into black leggings, a Marvel tank top and a pair of dark green/blue Vans. Yawning, I curled up into the passengers seat and drifted to sleep.
Adam's POV
I have a plan. A pretty good one if I can say myself. The plan is to wait until I know that Alex is home then wait a few days. After that, I'll go visit Carter. I told him, I would come see him if he didn't answer me. Not that I need him. I was just testing him, to see if he would tell me this stuff and I don't want to find out myself. It takes to much time.
Alex. My mate. She rejected me and now I'm missing a piece of myself. Just thinking of her with someone else makes me feel sick. If Declan is who I think he is, I need to watch out for Alex. If he hurts her, he's dead. I need Alex in my life. My everything.
Sorry about that break. I couldn't write. Hope you liked this chapter. It was fun to write.

I don't know if I already said where she lived, so I just chose Florida. I also really like Orlando (never been to universal. Want to really badly). I've been to Disney though.

Does anyone have a song suggestion?

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