Chapter three

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The pack house except 2 times smaller.
Brave- Sara Barellias

I woke up to a harsh shake on my shoulder. I groaned.
"We're almost there,"said the jerk-face driver. My hands and feet were untied and I could speak.
"Almost where?"I asked angrily. "What the f*** is going on?"
"Stop cussing. If you cuss in front of the Alpha, there will be consequences."
"You don't scare me!"I shouted at him.
"He will."
We pulled up to a mansion. Maybe we got the wrong house.
"Ummm, I think we are at the wrong house,"I said, nervously.
"Nope, this is the pack house,"jerk-face driver said. "Now, get out."
I got out and tried to make an escape but the guy who was sitting in the passengers seat grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the house. Since we were the last ones in, he closed the door. I tried to struggle in his iron grip but it was no use.
"There's no point escaping,"he said. "Even if you did, you don't have anywhere to go. We're three days away from your house. Adam would be angry of you tried to escape though."
"Where are we?"I asked.
"Can't tell you,"the guy said.
"Why am I here?"I asked.
"Because sweetheart, you're my mate,"said a very masculine voice from the stairs behind me. I turned around to see a very hot guy with black hair and bright blue eyes. He also had a lip piercing. I'm guessing he also has a very sexy six-pack. Oh dear god, really? I shouldn't be fazed by this were-freak. "Ha, you're kidding,"I said.
"You think that I would kid about a serious subject?"he asked, amused.
"I don't f***ing know you, but werewolves can't have human mates,"I said, bluntly.
"Are you accusing me of lying?"he asked, sharply.
"If we're mates then prove it,"I said, daringly. Using his werewolf speed, he pressed me up against the wall and his canines grew to wolf size.
"Ok, I get!!!"I shouted at him. "STOP!!!!"
Adam stepped away from me with hurt in his eyes. I don't even know him and I defiantly don't want HIM to mark me. He was the one who sent the guys to kidnap me. Why me???
"Would I have done that if I wasn't your mate?"he asked.
"No,"I said, coldly. "How did you find me?"
"Werewolves can always find there mate. Your parents moved so that you'd be far away from us. They didn't know that you had a mate though. It's very rare for a human to have a werewolf mate. We've been trying to track you down for years. It took me a little while to connect to your location."
"You're terrible,"I muttered.
"Is living terrible?"Adam asked.
"What do you mean?"I asked.
"This might sound cliché but I literally can't live without you and I need a mate to be Alpha."
"You're selfish!"I yelled. "Did you ever think about me? My family? My friends?!"
"Well you're being selfish, too!"Adam shouted back. He grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me up stairs. Crap he's mad now. I tried to pull out but I couldn't. He turned and dragged me to a luxurious room. He let go of me, looking me straight into my eyes. Crap what do I do. I hate eye contact with people I don't know or don't like. So far he was both.
"Look, I'm sorry about taking you. It's just that my parents need me to have my mate with me when I become alpha. When I become alpha you'll become luna. That's a big responsibility. You can't leave. There are already werewolves around the forest guarding it,"Adam said.
"I don't want to f***ing be here though!"I said, angrily.
"Let's set some ground rules,"he said, ignoring my last remark."You will not disrespect me, tell anyone how you got here, attempt to run away or talk to anyone from outside this house."

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