Chapter thirty two

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Hey guys, so I'm not sure on something and I'm sorry if I get it wrong but I'm sure where I said Alex and Adam's age, I'm pretty sure I said Alex was 17 and Adam was 20. So if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. Enjoy reading!
Alex's POV
Two years later...

Adam and I mated two nights ago. It was so romantic. Adam took me to a fancy restaurant to start out the night, then we went to a movie. After that we got to our house. Yes, we bought a house and it's beautiful (and huge). We moved to where Adam's pack is and we live close to the pack house. Also, Nathan and Delilah moved into our house which is great for Nathan and Adam to have "guy time" and me and Delilah have been spending a lot of time together. They have a one year old girl named, Mae, so I help out with her a lot. Before I moved I met Carter's mate, Ashlyn. She's super nice and confident. A great match for Carter. I talk to them once in a while. They're coming to visit today. Ashlyn and I have become friends so it's not weird. Carter is madly in love with her. I couldn't be happier for him.

"Auntie Alex," said Mae pulling on my sleeve. "I'm hungry."

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her. She grinned big.

"Pancakes! Pancakes!" She squealed.

"Ok, cutie," I replied, getting out the pancake mix and other ingredients.

I poured the batter onto a pan and flipped some pancakes, making sure I made enough for me, Mae and Adam. Nathan and Delilah were at a meeting and asked me and Adam to watch little Mae. Of course, I agreed.

"Cats," I hissed in pain as I burned my hand, lifting the pan. Just great, at least I'm done making pancakes. As soon as I got the pancakes onto plates, I ran my hand under cold water. Then I grabbed some athletic tape and wrapped my hand in it.

"Mae, could you go wake up your uncle and tell him breakfast is ready?" I asked her.

"Yes, auntie Alex," She smiled before running off to my room.

While she was busy doing that(Adam is a really heavy sleeper so it's really hard to wake him up), I warmed up syrup and put an ice pack on my burnt hand.

"I'm up, I'm up," said Adam, tiredly. "Ohhh, pancakes."
I laughed as he sat down and dug into his pancakes. It took him a little while to notice my hand.

"Babe, what happened?" he asked, looking worried, really worried.

"I just burnt my hand, no biggy."

"No biggy? That's a serious injury. You aren't a full werewolf and it takes longer for you to heal. I don't want you to get hurt. Please be more careful."

I nodded before sitting down next to him. I ate my pancakes and sat down on the couch and turned on Sleeping Beauty to watch with Mae. A couple minutes later, I felt sick to my stomach. Maybe it was the pancakes. I quickly walked to the bathroom, ignoring Adam's worried questions. Right as I got the toilet, I threw up. My stomach hurt really bad.

"Babe," Adam said, wrapping his arms around me, after I got cleaned up. "When Nathan and Delilah come home, I'll take you to the pack doctor. I don't want you to be sick."

"Adam, what if I'm pregnant?" I asked, remembering that I didn't take the pill.

"Then it would be a dream come true," he said, softly. "I know we're ready and I've seen how good you are at taking care of Mae. You've been like a second mom to her ever since she was a baby. You know I want to start family and we've been talking about it for a while. I wouldn't want anyone else to start a family with. I love you so much."

"I love you, too. I just thought we'd wait a little while but I'm ready."

An hour later, Nathan and Delilah came home. So we walked to the doctor.

"Hi, Selene," I greeted the pack doctor.

"Hello, Luna and Alpha," she replied, smiling.
"How did you manage to hurt yourself this time, Luna?"

"Selene, you don't have to call us that. Well I burnt my hand this morning but I took care of it. That's not why we're here. We mated two nights ago and I started throwing up this morning."

"Ok, I'll give you an ultrasound," she said.

I laid down on the cot and Adam sat down beside me. I can't say I'm not nervous because I am.

"Hey, babe," Adam said, giving me a smiling. "You have no need to be nervous. Everything's alright."

A little while later after the ultrasound, I found out that I'm pregnant. I'm scared and happy at the same time. I know Adam will always be there for me. He's my mate after all.

"Love, why don't you take a nap and we'll go out to dinner and tell Nathan, Delilah, Carter, and Ashlyn there. I'll wake you up when they get here."

"Ok, Adam," I said, hugging him and pecking his lips before going upstairs to our room and falling asleep on our nice comfy bed. It's so weird having a tiny human in me. But I love it so much.
Hey guys, I'm sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy with school, projects, tests, chorus performances, homework and writer's block. I was going to write more but I felt the need to update. Love you guys!!!!!

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