First grade

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An- both Tj and Cyrus are in first grade together

"Aright Cy, remember. Please, thank you, no thank you, and your welcome. And mommy's gonna pick you up" Cyrus mom says

"I know mom you tell me everyday. Love you bye" Cyrus says.

At school
Tj sits down at a blue table that looks like an aquarium. He took out his colors and his color sheet.

"Um can I sit here" Cyrus asks the blonde boy at the table

"Sure" the blonde boy replies. "Um what's your name" tj asks the other boy.

"Cyrus. What's yours"


"Come on Teej it's recess time"

Tj and Cyrus run out to recess together and play on the swings and slide. Swings was Cyrus' favorite.

Tj and Cyrus did everything together for the rest of the day. They were math partners, sat together at lunch, read together.

"Hey teej" Cyrus says


"You have pretty eyes"

And with that compliment Tj's cheeks began to get red. The teacher says it's time to go home. Cyrus convinced Tj that holding hands is not a like like thing. Tj held Cyrus' hand.

"Mom mom!" Tj says to his mom
"This my new friend Cyrus"
Tj's mom smiled and told him it was time to go. Tj gave Cyrus a kiss on the cheek and told him he would see him tomorrow.
In the car.
Cyrus pov
"Yea Cy"
"I like like tj"
"I know Cy"
"Is that ok?"
"Of course Cy I will love you either way"

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