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An- in out of Valentine's Day even though it was a few days ago. This is probably gonna be short just cause I'm being super lazy cause it's Mardi Gras break. Happy Mardi Gras!!

Cyrus pov
I sit at my desk solving my math problems, quickly I might add. The day has felt so long, this is our last hour before lunch.

'Cyrus what's the answer to number-' the teacher begins to say as the bell cuts her off.

I gather my things and meet my friends at my locker. My locker is decorated with roses and hearts. Buffy and Andi hand me flowers walking me to lunch.

Walking down the hallway I see more than half the school lined up on the wall with flowers and hearts.

I collect the flowers and hear people say things like, 'Cyrus you are one lucky boy', 'aww this is so cute'.

I make it too the end of the hallway and there stands Tj. He's holding a big sign. It has candies, chocolates, and teddy bears taped all around it.

'Cyrus' he says handing the sign to his friends and taking my hands in his.

'Will you be my valentine?' He asks me.

'Only if being your boyfriend is included' I say with a smirk.

'Yes Cyrus. It is.' Tj laughs.

'Then yes, I will be your boyfriend' I answer.

He pulls me into a tight hug.

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