Wedding part four

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An- I don't think I took that long of a break but im back. Im continuing the wedding series. I was really trying my hardest to convince myself to finish it. I was putting off finishing because I have decided to give my nails and break and typing without acrylics is just weird now. If this wedding one shot gets too long I'll just make it it's own book. But where we left off: It was in Marty's pov he was making a sandwich when a knock at his door was heard. He saw Tj standing and his door and Tj greets him with 'surprise'.

Marty pov
'So you left because you and Kira had a fight' I question and cock an eyebrow. Tj nods. 'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but why did y'all fight?'. Tj exhales.

'I invited Cyrus to the wedding' he starts and my jaw drops. I try to speak but nothing comes out. 'Then she called me out on- fuck this is hard' he curses.

'She called me out on still loving Cyrus'.

'Uh not to be this guy or anything but uh do you still love Cyrus?' I question Tj stepping closer to try and get him to admit it. Tj and I have been best friends for years. Soon as Cyrus stepped into the picture I knew Tj liked him I saw it in his eyes. Then they started hanging and Tj starting bringing him around and I could just tell from the way they looked at each other, they were in love.

'You know I do Marty. I loved him since middle school' Tj says running his hands through his hair. I smirk.

'You know Teej - hold on let me answer this'. Buffy was calling.

Buffy and Marty on the phone convo.
B- Marty
M- Yea
B- Do you know what Tj did!? It is unbelievable. He in-
M- Yea, I know
B- Wait how
M- Wait how do you know
B- ok on three 1 2 3
M- Tj is here right now
B- Cyrus is here right now
M- Ok Buffy do not tell Cyrus where you are taking him and come over
B- Are you sure Marty
Marty looks over at a nervous Tj
M- Tea I'm sure, they need each other
B- Ok be there in 5

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