The time tj and cyrus were "just friends"

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Tj and Cyrus were in the antique shop look at this really old glass cat. Tj was teasing and laughing at Cyrus because he almost dropped it multiple time and wasn't planning on buying it. After walking around for at least 30 minutes they found a nice small couch to rest on.

'Oh! What a cute couple you are!' A old lady stops and gives them a good look. Cyrus' head immediately comes off Tj's shoulder. Both faces turn red.

'We're just friends!' The boys say at the same time. The old lady swipes her hand through 'You'll get there one day' she laughs and carries on.


It was Cyrus' 17th birthday and his parents threw a small party for him. His friends and a few family members were there. It was finally time for presents after it felt like they were waiting a while.

'Happy Birthday Cyrus!' Everyone had said after they had gifted Cyrus his gifts. Cyrus promised Tj his would be last. Out of all his friends Cyrus felt like his was most important. Tj sat right next to him with his hands folded in his lap. 'Happy Birthday Cy' Tj said handing Cyrus his gift. It was the most perfect 'happy birthday' he had every her.

'Cyrus hunny! Get a little closer to your boyfriend!' Cyrus mom calls. Cyrus' cheeks turn pink and he drops his head low. Tj turns his head to hide his blush. 'Mom! We're just friends!' Cyrus says. Everyone just laughs.

'Oh. Teej' Cyrus lifts out a Tangled charm bracelet and a necklace with the letter 't' on it. Cyrus reaches for Tj's hand and intertwines their fingers. 'I love it' Cyrus places a soft kiss on Tj's cheek.

I am so convinced in my head that Tj and Cyrus brought each other promise rings

At one point Tj had an arm filled of bracelets

Cyrus' bed has tons of squish-mellows and when Tj comes over he jumps in them

Cyrus tells Tj that he has to look away while he adds the finale secret ingredient in this hear shaped cookies (it a sprinkle of sea salt)


Cyrus' mom is extra nice when Tj goes over

They waited months to kiss because Cyrus was worried he wouldn't be as experienced as Tj

Cyrus claims he's not cold but Tj will give him extra blankets anyways


Cyrus and Tj just loves to be close no matter what

When Cyrus needed a mental break Tj drove him wherever he wanted

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