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Cyrus pov

Tj has grasped my hand. Our hands are resting on the bench. Tj has a big smile on his face. His dimples are showing. My face relaxes and a weight is lifted.

'Tj, I-' I began to say.

My words are cut off by Tj's hand on my face.

'Cyrus. I really really like you' Tj tells me. I smile. His forehead is now on mines. Tj connects our lips. His lips are soft. The taste like vanilla. Our lips move in sync. Tj is a great kisser. Better than anyone else I've kissed.

'Omg!' We hear someone squeal causing us to brake apart. It was amber, the number one tyrus shipper of the club.

'Amber' I say, 'Not a word to Andi or Buffy. Now leave' I demand her. I look back at Tj and he chuckles.

'I love you Teej'

'I love you Cyrus. We gonna tell Buffy'

'Not a chance, she'll freak' I scoff

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