Dorm mates/ reunited

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Cyrus pov
'Hey Cy. You almost ready?' Mom calls out.

'Yea.' I say.

First day of college. 'Yay'. 13 year old me would have said, but I'm 16 now. I thought I was ready but not quite. My bags are already in the car, there's just one more thing to pack away. The pictures.

I smile and laugh looking at the pictures of The Good Hair Crew. Us at the park, at the lake, eating baby taters.

I get to my picture pack that says 'Party'. I flip threw the pictures, remembering everyone. Marty, Kira. But most importantly, him. Tj.

Tj and I haven't spoken or seen each other since we were 13, 3 years. I sit on my bed staring at the picture of me and Tj. Tears suddenly fill my eyes. Tears running down my cheeks. When my mom bursts in.

'Cyrus, hunny. What's wrong' my mom asks, sitting on my bed.

I look over at her and drop my head, handing her the picture.

'Oh' she says using her hand to force my head to look at her. She tells me everything will be ok.

Time skip•~•~•~
Cyrus pov
We finally made it to the college. It looked bare. No students walking, just staff. It was silent, just the sounds of the wind.

'Hello. You must be Cyrus Goodman' one of the staff says holding her hand out to greet me.

'The one and only' I say shaking her hand.

'Well. Parents say farewell and I will show Cyrus to his dorm' the staff says.

My parents say their goodbyes and drive off.

'So I'm miss jade or miss I. Here to your right is the study hall, library, science, and lunchroom. To the left is social studies, economics, and all electives. If you walk down this hall to your right you will see the basket ball and cheerleading gym. To your left is your main gym and locker rooms. Back here is football and swimming. And lastly up these stairs are your dorms. And here is yours.' She talks so fast I barely can keep up.

'Thank you miss j and have a nice day' I tell her and she goes to help other first dayers.

I take big deep breathes. Preparing myself to meet my dorm mate. I slid the key in the hole and slowly open the door, knocking at the same time.

'Come in' I hear a voice say.

'Uh sorry to disturb you. But Hi I'm your new dorm mate-' I get cut off by the boy sitting on the bed.

'Cyrus' he says lifting his head to get a good look at me.

He gets up off the bed and starts to paste around but finally stops after a good five minutes. He stares at me.

I drop all my bags and run up to him. I give him a big hug and wrap my legs around his waist. His arms slip around my waist and under my legs to support me. My arms slip around his neck and over his shoulders. I rest my head on him.

'Teej' I squeal.

'Cyrus' he says back.

He lets me down with his hands still around my waist. I touch his face, his glasses, his hair. Oh how I missed that curly hair.

'Chocolate chocolate chip muffin, right' he says smirks.

'Not so scary basketball guy'


'I know. Cyrus'

An- this is kinda long I was gonna make a part two but didn't feel like it.

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