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An - Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone is eating good, feeling good, living good. Have a great Easter.

Tj and Cyrus are older in this maybe 16/17. And yes Cyrus is writing to the Easter bunny.

The night before Easter

'Dear Mr Easter Bunny, It's Cyrus Goodman. This Easter I don't want a Easter basket with candy or chocolate or little toys. I want Tj to come back. Do you think you can make it happen?' Cyrus' letter wrote.

Tj had moved away about a year and a half ago. Him and Cyrus didn't have the chance to talk about what they were. Ever since the hand holding on the bench everything has been a little scary.

'Goodnight Cy' Miss Goodman says.

'Night Mom'

~Easter Morning~

Miss Goodman had everything set up. They were having a party. There was fruit, bbq, drinks. Some of Cyrus' cousins would be over for the Easter Egg Hunt and other games.

'Happy Easter Cy!' Miss Goodman says.

'Mom please I don't want to' Cyrus reply's.

'Come on Cy, the Easter Bunny might have gave you your wish!'

'Mom the Easter Bunny can not bring me my wish' Cyrus tells her.

'Oh please Cy just get ready and come down for me please' She begs and Cyrus shortly gets ready.

Cyrus pov
I had finally got out of my bed and put on some clothes. I made my bed and tidied the room. I made sure to say good morning to every teddy bear on my bed. When I heard a ding from my phone.

'One new message from Teej💕'  it read.


Teej💕- Happy Easter Cy!
Me - Happy Easter Teej
Teej💕 - I miss you
Me - I miss you too. It's not the same without you 😭
Teej💕- 💕
Me - 💕

Blush spreads across my face. Butterflies in my stomach.

Time skip

'So everyone knows the Easter Bunny brings gifts on Easter!' Miss Goodman announces.

'So Cyrus come on up for your gift' she says.

Cyrus looks around. He never gets a gift only a basket. The box is huge, it has a big bright yellow bow.

Cyrus pov
'Go on Cyrus, open the box' my mom tells me.

I step up to the box. I began to lift the top from the box. The sides slowly fall. The box fully opens and I am shook. In the box is a tall blonde, glasses, green eyes, wide smile. Tj.

'Teej!' I squeal, running up to Tj. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. My arms around his neck.

'Muffin, I missed you'

'Teej, your here' he lets me down.

'MOM! You did this for me' I ask

'Yes I read your letter' she laughs.

I look back at Tj. 'I love you' he blushes ' I love you too Cy'. Best Easter ever

This is kinda poo but yk

Tyrus-oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ