The letter

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An- The letter will be written in Cyrus' pov but the whole oneshot will be Tj's pov.

Tj pov
I walk down the stairs to the island. Mom has pancakes and juice layer out for breakfast. She stands on the other side reading the mail when she pushes a white envelope over my way.

I look up at her and make a 'this is for me?' face. She nods.

I open the envelope and put comes a letter. The paper is decorated with hearts and red lip stick stains.

The letter

Dear Tj,
      i like you. I wish I had the courage and confidence to tell you at andi's party but I didn't. I like your deep green eyes and your dirty blonde hair. especially when it's fluffy. I like when you wear your glasses. I love it when our pinkies brush and try to play it off. I love it when you make me blush. I love it when you blush at the tiniest contact of our skin. I guess what I'm trying to say is. I love you teej. If you want to talk, give me a text, I'm free anytime
Love, Cyrus

'Tj hun. What's in the envelope?' My mom asks me.
'Your cheeks are getting all red'
'It's a letter from Cyrus saying he loves me'
'Well do you love him'

I nod.

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