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Cyrus edition

He loves kittens and has two named mittens and tiger

He hates high school parties but goes to see Tj

He loves space and planets

Huge Disney fan begs everyone to take him
(Who would be his fav princess?)

Jumps on his moms bed every Christmas to wake her up

Wears onesies 24/7

Very touchy person

Not a morning person unless breakfast is pancakes

Has a collection of bracelets everyone gives him

Has most of Tj's hoodies in his closet

Walk's different ways to class to see his friends


Straight A student


Idk why but I just have a feeling Cyrus went to college to be a writer and ended up writing books about him and Tj's past but covered it up as a made up story

Loves the aquarium

That's all have a nice morning, evening, afternoon or night!

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