Fall?/ Us (this is a oneshot)

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An - I can't believe I haven't written since September 10th and it's almost October. I have been sick since Friday and I'm dying jk but it feels like it. I am proud to say I changed this story like five times and the title once.

It was now officially Fall, Cyrus' favorite season. Cyrus was walking a nice, quiet trail. It was the perfect day, lighting low, warm but breezy, the crunch of the leaves are perfect to hear. He was carrying a small bag on his back, he was making his way to the Spoon.

Tj was awkwardly standing there at a big tree where they always met. Cyrus' legs sped up a little faster. Doing small run to make it to him faster. Cyrus' arms flew around Tj's neck almost making him fall down.

'Hi' Tj laughs as Cyrus basically jumps on him. His arms go to wrap around Cyrus' body. 'I told you, you didn't have to walk me to the Spoon, it isn't far' Cyrus told him with a soft smile.

Tj let's go of him and starts to walk, stopping a bit to wait for Cyrus. 'I know, but I still wanted to' Tj replied. Their hands were brushing together and Cyrus would glance down at them.
Tj's hand hesitantly slips into Cyrus'. A soft smile plants both their faces. Cyrus peeps into the Spoon window to see his friends had invited him but also their boyfriends.

Cyrus turns to Tj looking right up at him, 'Will you stay?' Tj nods also immediately. They walk into the Spoon to be greeted by Marty, Jonah, and Andi. 'Hi Buffy' Cyrus said shyly as everyone could see that they were holding hands. 'Huh, when did this happen' Buffy asks lifting a finger to point to their hands.

Blush spread across their cheeks, 'Uh, can we sit?' It was a round both so there was plenty of space. The only problem was they wanted to sit next to each other, Buffy and Marty wouldn't budge.

Buffy shook her head no countless times, 'Buffy please' Cyrus begged. 'No' 'Please Buffy'.

Marty had nudged her shoulder and she pushed over with a loud fine. Cyrus slid into the seat and Tj did right after him, their hands staying connected the whole time.

'So are you guys not going to talk' Marty had asked. 'Shh they're soaking in the fact they're holding hands for the first time' Andi had said, Cyrus smiled. This wasn't the first time they had held hands, on the bench was. Cyrus or Tj had never told anyone yet.

Tj and Cyrus had shared a drink and fries during their outing with their friends. Tj offered to walk Cyrus home and of course he said he didn't have too but he did any ways. They held hands the whole way, not even letting go when they were on Cyrus' porch.

'Do you want to be my date to the fall festival?' Tj had blurted out. 'Pick me up a 5?' Cyrus had took Tj's other hand pulling him closer. Tj nods, '5'.

'Is it crazy that I'm going to miss holding your hand overnight?' Cyrus had asked. 'Is it crazy that I'm going to stay up wondering if we are going to put a label on us?' Tj asked.

It wasn't, Cyrus wanted Tj to be his boyfriend. He wanted people to know he was his and his only. 'Talk about it tomorrow?' Cyrus asked.

'Tomorrow' Tj agreed, 'Goodnight Muffin'

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