I can't buffy. Why?!

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An - this most likely about to be really short just because I don't have any inspiration right now. All that's running through my head is that song every body want to rule the world.
My friend wrote this
3rd person pov


'What Buffy! What!' Cyrus yells back.

'Why can't you get it through your thick skull that Tj is. not. your. friend. He is using you!' She say's practically panting around the room.

'Buffy!' Cyrus groans, 'he is my friend!'.

'No. He. Is. Not.' Buffy says once again.

'Cyrus. Tj. Is. Not. A. Good. Person. You not to stop talking to him and hanging out with him' she says.

Cyrus groans almost ripping his hair off. 'Buffy you don't get it. I. Can't.' Cyrus says standing up.

'Why Cyrus! Why can't you!' She yells.

'Because I love him!' Cyrus yells finally lifting that weight.

'What the fuck Cyrus! You are a sick person! How could you love him! Is Jonah not good enough' Buffy asks.

'Buffy can't you see. He is with Andi ! I have to move on!'

'Well Cyrus, don't ever talk to me again'

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