Surfer Boy

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Cyrus pov

'Cyrus come on, get in the water!' My family calls, I shake my head.

Hi, I'm Cyrus. From what you just heard it might sound like I'm boring, I mean I am just sitting on my beach towel while everyone else is either water fighting or surfing. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the water, I like the beach, but at night. I like the glow of the shells and the animals. You might even see a turtle, those are my favorite. This summer I'm spending my nights at the beach and my days with my friends.

Tj pov

'Woah Teej! Check out that wave!' Reed calls, we race to it on our boards.

Sup, I'm Tj. As you can see, I like surfing. I'm the town's highest rank surfer. My board is white with baby blue stripes. Reed and I like to ride the big waves even though mom always says 'Tj you don't need to be surfing at all it's dangerous'. Honestly, mom is just overreacting, how would she feel if I told her she couldn't wear her favorite sun glasses all the time. This summer, I'm surfing and rocking out!

3rd person pov

Tj's mom, Miss Kippen, calls Tj out of the water so he can sit and eat lunch. Tj's mom packs him a turkey sandwhich, watermelon, and two juices. Tj sets up his umbrella right next to Cyrus'.

Cyrus pov

The most gorgeous boy sits next to me. The town's highest surfer rank.

Tj Kippen.

He has blonde, curly hair. He's tall and somewhat muscular. He has beautiful deep green eyes. They remind me of a turtles shell, glowing in the night. Oh how I love surfer boys.

Tj pov

I sit up my umbrella and my lunch next to Cyrus Goodman. The town's bookworm and goody-two-shoes.

He has chocolate hair and eyes. He wears clear glasses that fit just right. He has beautiful freckles from his right cheek, across his nose, to his left cheek. He's so pretty. Oh how I love Cyrus Goodman.

3rd person pov

Tj Kippen, the surfer boy, sits there drinking his juice thinking about whether he should speak to Cyrus or not.

'Hi Cyrus' Tj says shyly, looking over at him.

'Hi Tj' Cyrus says back, blush spreading across his face.

'Cyrus' Tj says, he looks up from his book, 'yes' Cyrus says.

'Do you uh, wannagosurfingwithme' Tj asks, a bit nervous.

'I would love to but, I don't know how to surf' Cyrus says a bit embarrassed.

'I can teach you' Tj says. Cyrus nods. Tj grabs his board and nods his head in a 'come on' motion.

Cyrus pov

The Tj Kippen had asked me to surf with him. Tj and I walk side by side to the water, our hands brushing very lightly.

'Cyrus' Tj says getting my attention. 'Yes'

'Can I ask you something else?' He asks, I nod. 'Do you want to maybe go the cafe sometimes' he asks, I blush.

'Tj Kippen, are you asking me on a date' I say teasing him.

'Yes Cyrus. I am asking you on a date' he laughs. 'Then the answer is yes' I say.

God I love surfer boys and I love Tj Kippen.

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