Wedding part one

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Cyrus was now nineteen. He was living in his own apartment, paying his own bills, cooking his own food. He had cut off contact with Jonah in twelveth grade. He still talked to Andi but since she moved to New York he hasn't her from her in about a year and a half. The friend he had left was Buffy. Buffy was his bestfriend, his pb to his j, she was there when he needed her.

Cyrus was reading a book when it was time for the mail to arrive. He got up from the white circle couch and made his way out the door to the mailbox. He only had one letter and it said: From Tj and Kira Kippen. His heart dropped. The letter read:

   You are invited to the Kippen wedding. Your Bride Kira will be cutting cake and your Groom Tj will be chilling with the family. No Kids Allowed. Saturday, July 16 at 5:35. Bring a Gift!

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