New school, new...friends

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Cyrus pov
My mom and I had moved again, but this time we were staying put. We had to move a lot for her job. I was at a new school almost every month. Now I have a permanent school, we weren't leaving this town. It was my first day, my stomach ached like crazy. New school, first day of 6th grade, that's a big deal. It wasn't really the first day of school but I was my first day.

'Everyone we have a new student. Please make Cyrus feel welcomed' the teacher tells the class as I stand by her awkwardly. 'You can sit at the table all the way in the back Cyrus' she smiles at me and I nod. At the table was two girls and a boy. I sit down at the table, 'Hi I'm Andi!' A girl greets me. She's very bubbly, overwhelmingly excited. I give a small wave. She talked to me the whole class, even got scolded for being too loud. It was recess, and everyone else was playing soccer, I had the swings all too myself.

The song was high. I could sit on the swing but I kick my feet back and forth trying to swing without a kick start, 'hey' a voice startled me. It was the boy at my table. He had blonde hair and green eyes. 'Hi...' I say quietly, 'I'm Cyrus' I add quickly.

'I know, I'm Tj' he tells me. 'What me to push you' i nod quickly. Tj pushes me fast and high, normally I didn't like that. But sometimes living a little could be fun. Tj pushing me on the swing went on for years, we were best friends.

~ two years into high school ~

Cyrus pov
'You still going to push me on the swing when we are adults' I ask Tj as we are sitting on my bed. It was only our second year of high school, we weren't full adults yet. 'Always' he responds. Tj and I had been dating since the middle of 8th grade. I liked him a lot. I had also warmed up to Andi a lot, she was a bit much in 6th grade.



'I love you, always'

'I love you too Teej'

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