Road trip

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Cyrus pov
The leaves on the trees were brown, yellow, orange. The most perfect thing I could imagine. The leaves swayed with the wind. The yellow lines on the road followed us as we drove. I didn't know where we were going. I just knew the journey is beautiful.

'We were two hours into our road trip. When I say 'we' I mean the Good Hair Crew, Marty and Tj, and Amber. Everyone was there, except jonah. We don't talk to him anymore, I don't want to talk about it. Tj and I were in the trunk of the car, it was pretty big and wasn't sectioned off from the car like a small one. Buffy had been asleep in the passenger seat for several hours, Amber and Andi were watching movies in the back seat. It was perfect' I write in my journal.

I look over at Tj who's right next to me and smile. I don't think he noticed, his eyes were glued to his phone. If you would have told me a few years ago that I'd be staring at my best friend with goo-goo eyes I would have laughed in your face. Actually if someone would have told me Tj would even be my friend I would laugh. He looks over at me and smiles.

'What' he asks with a small breathy laugh. 'Nothing, I just wanted to look you' my cheeks burned red. He hand reaches for mine, that felt good.

'Did you sleep at all within the two hours?' I ask him, he shakes his head, 'I don't like to sleep on road trips, besides you missed a lot of stuff while sleeping' my eyes light up. I loved seeing stuff on road trips.

'There was a really big pumpkin, a big pile of leaves, I was going to wake you up but uh I didn't want to disturb you' he tells me. He'd always say that, he never wants to wake me up when there's something good. 'Aw I missed it' I say laying my head on his shoulder.

'I like being around you Cyrus' he tells me. A soft smile paints his face.

'Tj, what are we? I need to know before I tell you something.'

'Best friends' he hesitates, 'Boyfriends' I smile and nod. 'Ok then, I love you Tj'

'I know, I love you Cyrus'

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