🌻 Painter's Block 🌻

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A few days later, after being the queen for a day, things seem almost back to normal for Rapunzel. The oldest princess walks down the halls, with a red apple in her hand, Pascal on her shoulder and a bright smile on her face.

However, Rapunzel then discovers something.. interesting. People everywhere are pushing and moving sculptures, paintings and crates of other art related objects.

"What's this?" Rapunzel wonders, before seeing her father with Nigel. "Dad, what is going on? What's with all this art?" Rapunzel asks. "Ah, there are you, Rapunzel. I've got a little surprise for you." Frederic says, as Nigel walks away.

[In The Meeting Room]
Since Y/n as much of an art fan as Rapunzel, Frederic knew this news would excite her the most. Besides, he and Rapunzel have noticed that the youngest princess has been spending a lot of time shut up in her room. To them, it's confusing. To anyone who knows why, it's heartbreaking.

Frederic reveals a small model of a newly built building in Corona. "The Gallery of the Seven Kingdoms!" He declares, making Rapunzel gasp. "Really? You're actually gonna build it?" She asks. "Yes, we already have." Frederic answers.

"And in the spirit of artistic expression, I've asked the citizens of Corona to contribute their work as well." Frederic tells Rapunzel. "This is amazing!" His oldest daughter gushes.

"There is one piece I'd like to add before opening the gallery, a mural by Corona's most celebrated artist Princess Rapunzel." Frederic states. Rapunzel's eyes widen, stunned. "Dad, I'm speechless." She tells him, flattered.

"Well, let's just say after the events of the great storm and the judgment you demonstrated, I've been looking for ways to implement more of your good ideas." Frederic says. Rapunzel nods, frowning a little. "Now, get painting!" He tells his oldest daughter, handing her a paintbrush with a proud smile. She glances up and smiles back.

Rapunzel exits the meeting room, and an idea blossoms in her mind, as she walks by a familiar bedroom. Her little sister's bedroom. "Y/n?" She asks, knocking on her closed bedroom door.

The note from the snowstorm still hangs on the door. 'Keep out. I want to be left alone.' The note says, in red crayon. Rapunzel sighs, with a frown.

Y/n also hasn't said much, since the events of the snowstorm. Meals of the day have been in silence, her lessons with Cassandra and her mother have been almost mute and every time somebody tries to talk to her about the events of the snowstorm, she either makes up an excuse to leave, or she changes the subject. So almost nobody knows what's going on with her. Rapunzel knows that it has something to do with what happened during the snowstorm, but.. what about it?

Rapunzel knocks again. "Sis, come on. You can't keep doing this.." She tells Y/n, then sighs. "There's something I want to ask you, now please open this door or I will." She tells her, pleadingly.

In her head, Rapunzel counts to ten.
Her little sister's bedroom door remains closed.
Rapunzel sighs. "Should we?" She asks Pascal.
The small green chameleon shrugs, in response.
Rapunzel inhales deeply, then opens the door.

"Y/n?" Rapunzel asks, exhaling slowly and entering her little sister's blue bedroom. But, she doesn't see Y/n anywhere. This worries Rapunzel. "Y/-" She calls, looking around frantically. But then she pauses. Her little sister is still asleep in her bed.
This makes Rapunzel smile and sigh in relief.

"Y/n?" Rapunzel softly says, shaking her shoulder with her hand. After a few minutes, Y/n wakes up. "What are you doing in her, Rapunzel?" She asks.

 "What are you doing in her, Rapunzel?" She asks

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