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Chapter 34

    To drive away the villains who attacked the shelter, Asano Ao slipped out of the shelter before a new batch of police officers arrived.

    Asano Ao left the shelter and headed towards the beach as planned.

    Coming to the nearest coastline, an electrified power grid blocked Asano Ao's progress.

    Countless outposts and searchlights swayed, illuminating the sea within a few hundred meters as bright as day.

    Asano Cang picked up a small stone and tried to throw it far into the sea.

    Ka Ka Ka, more than a dozen searchlights sniped at the rippling sea, without distinguishing whether it was alive or not, they directly shot a series of bullets.

    Asano Cang hid behind the reef and witnessed all this.

    Seeing such a strict defense, not even a small ant can escape.

    I had no choice but to return, so I went back to the shelter and waited quietly.

    On the way, I heard the heart-piercing cries of a child.

    Asano Cang heard the sound and left.

    The parents were shot and died, and the two held the child tightly in their arms.

    Thanks to their efforts, the child was unharmed, just slightly frightened.

    Asano Ao picked up the girl who was crying helplessly on the ground.

    Someone came, and the little girl's crying gradually stopped, and she opened her eyes.

    The big amethyst-like eyes flickered, and there were tears in the corners of the eyes.

    Asano Ao wanted to take the little girl to the refuge.

    Asano Ao was not the only one who heard the sound.

    Oda Sakunosuke, who came with a gun, was shocked when he saw Asano Ao with white hair all over the sky.

    "Did you dye your hair?"

    For a person like Oda Saku, showing a surprised expression is already a very shocked state.

    "Oh, no! Forget it."

    A boy's voice came from Oda Sakunosuke's earphones:

    "Oda Sakunosuke, I can probably hear where you are! It won't be safe here soon, you have to leave as soon as possible."

    Oda Sakunosuke and Asano Ao glanced at each other.

    "Now is not the time to reminisce about the past, follow me."

    Asano Ao hugged the child and followed Oda Sakunosuke closely.

    A locomotive passed by at a high speed, and the wind brought up by the two of them almost blew their hair away.

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