𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔.

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The butter knife that I held in my grip, dug into my skin as she and I had a stare off.

Fuck her.

She looked just as I remembered. A demon in the disguise of an angel. I wish I could say that it was thanks to botox, fillers, and injections, but even I knew that would be a lie. The bitch just didn't age.

" Ice," Dominic gently opened my palm, removing the butter knife as I stared in her direction, feeling the back of my eyes burn as I didn't blink. " Do you want to leave?"

My teeth grinded back and forth as I watched her smile fall. Her gaze softened and mine hardened. I hate her. I absolutely hate her.

Turning my head ever so slightly, I inhaled deeply and shook my head. " No. We are on a date and that selfish she-devil isn't going to ruin it," I say, grabbing my dirty martini and draining it.

" Are you sure?" Dominic asked hesitantly as he watched me.

" Positive. Eat you steak," I tapped the side of his plate as I smiled broadly. If I pretended that she didn't exist then maybe I would be able to enjoy my last few hours with him before he left.

" What do you want to do for your birthday?" I changed the topic of the conversation and pretended like I didn't feel her stare burning into the side of my face.

She doesn't exist.

She's dead to me.

She's a hallucination.

But that bitch wasn't. She was alive and well and fucking thriving without me. I hate her.

" Are you sure that you are okay, Rhegan? I'm pretty sure that I can see the vein in the middle of your forehead about to pop." His face is etched in worry and maybe a hint of fear.

" Baby, I am fine," I gritted through clenched teeth, slightly annoyed but also grateful that he was making sure that I wasn't about to run across the room and break a glass over her face. " Now, birthday. Do we want a big party, something intimate? Maybe dinner?"

Dominic studies me for a minute longer, nodding his head slowly as he comes to the conclusion that I was going to pretend like every thing was fine and fucking dandy when it was anything but. If we don't acknowledge it, then it doesn't exist.

" I don't know. I haven't really thought about it much," he picks up his fork and knife. " Anything where we are all together would be fine with me. Also the night ending with me in my birthday suit should be thrown somewhere in there," he winks as he brings his fork to his lips.

" Of course," I smirk, my gaze dropping just in time to watch him devour the nice and juicy steak on his fork,

How could someone make eating look so fucking sexy?

" You aren't going to be too busy planning these parties are you?" I frowned, waiting for him to elaborate further.

" My birthday and Ayanna's aren't that far apart. I don't want you stressing to plan both," he says.

Shot clock | Book 2 in USC seriesWhere stories live. Discover now