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Our leader Namjoon called us for an early meeting this morning. I'm not ready to make any blasts or attacks on that family anymore.

Not after I saw her yesterday at the graveyard. I mean who doesn't cry when their dad dies? Apparently, she doesn't.

The expression on her face held me captive. There was not even a sliver of pain on her face instead what I saw was...relief? She was relieved that her father died. Like she finally got her peace.

I cannot forget how peaceful she looked standing there looking over the coffin until I fcking blew up an SUV. Well, it was just a reminder from the enemy.

The Lee Family are our enemy. That bastard blocked our shipping routes and meddled with our arms shipment. Our leader Kim Namjoon and the Lees have been at war ever since.

I work for Kim Namjoon and am loyal to him. I'll wipe out the entire Lee lineage if he demands, except that one girl who is stuck in my head.

I entered the conference room and Taehyung, Jin, Jimin and Namjoon were already discussing business.

Just as I took my seat, Namjoon clapped his hands, "Okay, now that everyone is here, let's address the important matter."

I glanced at Taehyung, he shrugged lightly. He is as clueless as I am.

"We are aware of the issues the dead Lee created for us. Now that the sleazebag is dead, the old Mafia boss wants a truce and peaceful conduct of business. The debt will be paid and his terms will benefit both of us.

So he proposed the marriage of his granddaughter to one of you guys", Namjoon hyung stated.

Of course, it is one of us because Namjoon hyung is already married. So it is either Jimin, Taehyung, Jin or me. I wonder who our leader will choose to marry my angel.

My angel? Seriously? Stfu. She is the enemy.

"So, who wants to be the groom?"

Blood drained from my face. My body goes stone-still. We get to decide? We can make a choice?

I cannot let these fuckers have her.

"I will", I stand hastily making my claim.

Amusement flickers Namjoon's eyes, Taehyung lets out a bark of laughter and Jimin is smirking. Assholes. But I don't give a fck.

"You and a marriage?", Taehyung chokes out in between laughter, "and what next? Flying donkeys?"

"Shut the fck up", I restrain myself from strangling his throat.

"You didn't even look at the picture", Namjoon holds a picture and passes it on to Jimin. Jimin only smirks and passes it to Taehyung.

"Damn bro, she is hot", Taehyung comments and I possessively snatch the photo out of his hands.

My eyes scan her beauty. She is even beautiful up close. It is a candid picture, the way her smile stretches across her lips makes my heart melt.

"I will marry her," I announce firmly.

"It's settled then" Namjoon announces, "but her grandfather wants to meet you and the wedding will take place this weekend." 

Good. The sooner the better.

Namjoon and I walk into Lee's fortress. Why does the Old Mafia King want to meet me?

As I walk deeper into the hallway, all I wish is to get one glance at my angel. I'm dying to see her. Fck it is the sole reason I'm here. Screw the meeting.

We walk into the Mafia Lee's office and the old man gestures to us to take a seat.

"So this is the gentleman?" The old man is too old to merely survive a few months. Now I understand the rush behind the deal and the alliance.

"Yes, Sir."

He eyed me with curiosity, "Why did you agree? Why you and not your other mates?"

My eyes snapped at him with anger, I cannot tolerate hearing any other fcker marry my angel. My reaction gave the old man a sense of satisfaction and he smirked knowingly.

"I know her well," I said coz her soul draws me closer to her as if we have known each other forever.

"What do you mean? Are you spying on my granddaughter?" He hissed.

"No. That is not what I meant. I understand her feelings without her saying a word." I muttered softly and Namjoon is just as stunned as Mafia Lee. Confusion filled their eyes.

So I explained further, "I saw her at the graveyard yesterday. She looked relieved and peaceful. Not the feeling people have about their father's death. She amazed me." I don't notice the smile forming on my lips, "She intrigued me. Her peace held me captive and I couldn't look away."

God, I cannot believe I'm even having this conversation with our enemy. If someone had told me two days ago that I'd be making peace with the enemy just so a girl doesn't get caught up in the chaos, I'd have laughed my ass out.

But here I am, opening my heart out to the enemy. I look up at Mafia Lee and see him grinning at me. His wrinkly face lights up in admiration. He puts the cigar on the ashtray and pulls out papers from his drawer.

The deal he made is beneficial for both families and I get the girl. The profit is in my favour.

"The deal is sealed." The Lee Family stamp is punched on the papers and Namjoon reviews it all over again before signing them as well.

"I'm sure you are the one for her. But if I hear any complaint from my little princess, your head will be the only thing I will accept, on a gold fcking platter." Mafia Lee warns me, but hugs me and pats my shoulder. "See you at the wedding."

Namjoon and I walk out in utter silence to our black SUV. I climb behind the steering wheel. Namjoon takes the passenger seat and starts laughing hard.

"Why are you laughing?" My brows scrunch and he laughs harder.

"You are pussy-whipped for that girl." He snickers.

I smile and start the engine.

Yes I am and I couldn't argue better.

Long time no see huh?
Didn't expect my comeback, did ya?

But I'm back with a mafia romance.
I'm a sucker for arranged marriages, don't ask why.

Tell me how you liked it so far.


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