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As the wedding priest started the speech, we turned towards him but I couldn't resist peeking a side glance at her.

She looks so beautiful and her coconut fragrance is coming off her in waves making me crazy.

Jin places the velvet boxes of wedding rings on the table. I pick up the small box and wait. Y/n raises her hand and her fingers start shivering.

Why is her hand shivering?

I immediately draw her hand in mine and rub smooth circles over the back of her hand with my thumb and she relaxes in my hold. I guess she is nervous.

Then I slide the ten-carat diamond ring I chose for her onto her ring finger. Y/n picks up the other box and slides a ring on mine.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

She looks at me with her big brown eyes with so much hope and I can also see a sliver of nervousness too.

So I lift the veil, and place a tender kiss at the corner of her lips, just grazing her lips and pulling back.

She smiles at me. Again. And for the first time today, I smiled back at her too. It feels like our secret conversation. Just hers and mine.

People from my family congratulate us on the wedding while people from her family, clearly, are terrified to even walk my way.

Because now they not only know that the Black Shadow sounds scary, but also looks scary. But a certain someone seems to not care about my looks at all.

A pink girl walks our way and I recognize her as Y/n's friend who accompanied her the past three days. She whispers something in Y/n's ear making her blush.

Then her gaze lands on me and her fingers fidget as if she is contemplating whether to shake my hand or not.

Y/n puts her out of her misery by introducing us.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jeon."

"Just Jungkook, please." I smile at her to ease the tension and she nods.

Taehyung comes behind and pulls me aside, "I think we should leave. We have been in the open for too long and it's getting dark."

I agree with him and make my way back to my angel who is giggling with her friend.

"Y/n", the way her name rolls off my tongue makes her amused, "It is time to leave."

She nods and runs to her grandfather to bid him goodbye. I see her whispering into his ear and kissing his cheek multiple times. I deduce that they have good bonding. She'll miss him. For sure.

I check with her bodyguard if all her bags are kept in my SUVs. Yes, I was told this morning that we'll need two cars to move her stuff to my house. My angel is expensive. And I'd like to spoil her even more.

After a long hug with Mafia Lee, she returns to me with teary eyes, "Let's go"...and this is the first time she doesn't look into my eyes. Something cracks in my heart, but I ignore it and escort her safely to my black Aston Martin.

The ride to our estate is silent. I can feel that she's holding back her tears. To comfort her, I grip the steering wheel tighter with one hand and place my other hand on hers.

She jerks at my contact, then calms down after realizing that it is my palm. She is acting all jumpy.

Once the gates to our estate open, her mouth falls open as she glances outside the window.

The estate is spread across twenty thousand square feet with five mansions surrounding a little artificial lake that is situated in the centre.

I slow down my car and point my fingers, "That Central mansion is of our leader, Namjoon. The two mansions on the left of it are of Jimin and Jin."

I drive down south towards my wing, "On the east, it is Taehyung's and the one behind the lake is ours."

Her eyes flicked to mine when I said ours and they shine in hope at midnight.

I tell her the pin to enter the mansion and let her know that her fingerprint will be administered tomorrow in the security system for her access.

We move across the foyer deep inside the house and she is awfully quiet. So I show her around, "Kitchen, two guest rooms, dining room, gym, and that door leads to the back garden."

I gesture towards the staircase, we climb upstairs and stand in the hallway. "This is my room", I point at the one adjacent to mine, "and that is yours."

She looks at me questionably, eyebrows scrunched, eyes blinking.

"I will not force you to sleep with me but if you want to", I step closer into her space, "my bed has a lot of space for you."

I lift my hand to tug a strand behind her ear and before I make a contact, she flinches hard. Her head jerks back and her eyes shut tightly.

Murderous rage consumes as I realize the reason behind her jumpiness at physical contact. She is scared of something, she is scared of someone, who put their fcking hands on her.

"Who?" I clench my fists tighter at my sides.

When she doesn't feel any contact, she opens one eye and looks up at me, "What?"

"Who put their hands on you?" I grind my teeth hard, preventing myself from growling.

"N-no one." She stutters and lies.

Instead of roaring and demanding answers, I take a deep breath. "Here are some rules, Angel."

"One. You do not hide things from me. Two. Do not lie to me. Three. Is more of a promise than a rule. We are in this together."

Sadness pools in her eyes and she looks at me with hope, trying to trust me, trying to fight her demons and show me her bare self.

I wait patiently until she whispers, "My Dad."

Shock and rage hit me like an arrow to my chest. I wish that fcking bastard was alive, so I'd take my time to skin him alive for laying fingers on my angel.

I do not know the extent of things he had done to her that makes her shiver like a leaf when I initiate physical contact.

I will keep my hands to myself for a few days and make her feel comfortable. Tonight, she gave me a part of herself and I will not ask further questions for the time being.

"It is over, Angel. He is dead. No one will ever put their hands on you. They'd face death before lurking into your shadows."

I shouldn't have said the last sentence but instead of being scared of me, she smiles at me. God, this woman is something else.

"Come", I guide her into her room, "all your bags are in the closet room. You can knock on my door if you need anything. Sleep well, Angel."

As I turn around to leave, she calls my name in her sweet voice, "Jungkook", I look back without turning, "Thank you."

Warmth washes over me, "Good night Angel."

My Angel will sleep soundly in her bed while I keep her demons at bay all night.

All my life.

Into The Shadows 🖤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora