f o r t y - n i n e

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Is this a coincidence? Why is Lilah in Italy? Even if she is, what are the chances of her crashing into me in a remote tattoo shop?

After getting my latest tattoo done, I paid my bill at the desk and ran into her on my way to the exit. “JK,” she beams, there is no flicker of surprise on her face as if she knew I was in there.

“Small world, isn’t it?” My harsh tone and questioning glare scare her. I can see a glimpse of fear in her eyes before she masks it with her fake smile.

“I know right,” she chuckles fakely, “You got a new tattoo again? Can I see it?”

There’s no way in hell that I am letting her any closer. “Not for your eyes. Are you here for a tattoo as well?”

This is an artistic shop that provides services like tattooing, piercings, and other girl stuff.

“Ah, what?” She seems so lost as if she doesn't know why she is here and that look on her face tells me that her being here is not a coincidence.

“Oh. yes. I’m here for a tattoo but umm…I’ll get it done later. Would you like to have dinner with me?”

Is she leading me somewhere? Is she in danger? I will have my men keep an eye on her. I have no idea what she is up to but I’ll uncover her secrets sooner. “Sorry, I have plans. Get your tattoo done.”

With that said, I walk out of the tattoo shop in a rush to get home.

“Jungkook,” that sweet honey-like voice reaches me from across the street.

There she is, my Angel but my skin pricks, burning by a disgusting touch. Lilah loops her arm around mine, I tense and the broad smile on my angel's face falls.

Y/n crosses the street with fury in her eyes. Lilah chuckles. "Oh my, what a pleasant surprise! I didn't know you were here as well, Y/n."

"Y/n and I are on our honeymoon. Now if you'll please excuse us," I try to unloop my arm but Lilah grabs it again.

"Come on JK, let us all have dinner together. What's the rush!"

I stare into her eyes. What is she up to? Why is she here? Doubt seers through me, her and my wife being in the same place can't be a coincidence at all. I look around the street and the buildings for any snipers but I find none.

Lilah is claiming that we are friends and is forcing us to have dinner with her. Seems like a pretty poor plot but nice try bitch.

Y/n grabs Lilah's arm and jerks it off me. "Take your hand off my husband and don't take any liberties about being friends with us."

I smirk. Lilah glares at Y/n and shuts her mouth. Y/n grabs my arm and hurls me across the street to our cars.

And I go.
I flow.

She opens the car door and pushes me inside. Bam greets me with a lick and I scoot in for her to climb in. Once we are in, the car pulls into the traffic.

An involuntary smile tugs at my lip seeing her all worked up. The intensity of her love matches mine, she is as possessive and territorial as I am. And fuck if that doesn't make me hard.

"Stop smiling." She shouts.

I flash a full-blown smile now. "I love you."

"Huh," she scoffs. "That's what you got to say after being caught with her?"

"Caught?" I scoff, pretending to be offended.

"What were you doing in that shop? With her."

"I just ran into her."

"What a coincidence!" She mocks, glaring at me.

I sigh.

“Since when have you been seeing her?”

“Y/n, I don't even know she was in this country. Trust me."


I shut the conversation and stare out the window. I know that he is not lying but that doesn’t hurt less.

“Angel…”, he rubs his palm over my thigh but I do not respond.

Why? Because I am an insecure wife, insecure about another woman’s beauty, her charm, and her vibe. I hate how beautiful and hot she looks. Is that what Jungkook liked about her? What did he like in her that I don't have?

Jungkook sighs and tells our driver, Hawk to take us to the airport.

I guess we are leaving.
I will get to meet Poppy, Lia, and Maria.

My mind wanders around Lilah. Was she here to draw a rift between Jungkook and me? Of all the countries in the world, why the hell is she here? She doesn’t even work in the mafia. One day, I feel like she will steal my husband from me.

We board the plane and take our seats, Jungkook tried talking to me but I’m in no mood to have any conversation. I don’t want to say mean words to him when none of this is his fault.

I will be okay after a good night’s sleep and the dawn will bring me renewed peace.

"Where are we?” I ask him because, in less than an hour, we landed at an airbase.

“Sicily.” he smiles.

“We weren’t going home?”

Jungkook’s face falls. “You wanted to go home?”

I shrug.

“Soon, angel. But we are spending the weekend together. Just you and I.”

A gooey smile tugs at my lips. He gives me that boyish grin, meant for my eyes only, showing his bunny teeth and it melts my heart. 

We get into a black SUV, there’s an entourage of cars behind us. Jungkook takes my palm and tangles our fingers. “Why are there so many cars with us?”

He shakes his head, dismissively. “Don’t bother. They are our security.”

Usually, there would be only three now there are almost ten. I didn’t even count. Unease settles in me. Jungkook smiles knowingly,

“Just sleep, angel. It will take a while for us to reach.”

I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder, my body hugging his large arm. He kisses my forehead, his touch lingering, making me feel the safest.

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