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What about the character that didn’t time travel?

What happens when the person that you expected to walk through life with suddenly hops a fence and leaves you confused and a little hurt standing in the road.

Do you not want to walk with me?

(Did I do something wrong?)

This is a time travel piece when after the Kaguya mess, for some reason, Madara and Hashirama gets a second chance.

This goes mostly well except that Madara can’t keep a secret for his life from his brother, Hashirama never mentions it.

Tobirama is very confused and lowkey terrified by the Uchiha that seems to know every jutsu he creates before he even finishes them.

Also, an enormous thanks to Kuroteshi, who is doing an amazing and wonderful job. You can all thank them because this fic would not be what it is without them.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1
Chapter Text
One day Hashirama wakes up and leaves the room without waking Tobirama. He wakes up a while later, when he realises he is still anole and Hashirama is not coming back.

That’s unusual, Hashirama always wakes him and eats breakfast with Tobirama, before they start their stretching exercises. It was a bit strange but sometimes strange things happens.

When Hashirama leaves before Tobirama is finished with his breakfast too, it even more strange, but not wrong. Tobirama scoop in another mouth of rice and drain his tea in three large gulps. He doesn’t burn his tongue, but scaled it just a little.

It’s okay though, maybe Hashirama was simply eager to train today so Tobirama hurries to catch up.

That’s when life to a turn and Hashirama left the road he and Tobirama had so far walked on.

“No, I can’t train with you today.” Hashirama said and kept walking, heading for the edge of the compound.

“Not even hide and seek training?” Tobirama asked confused. They always train together. That was Hashirama code word for playing. They always play together because there was nobody else their age that wanted to. Everyone else was either too young or training seriously for missions.

“No, I have things I need to do and you can’t come. Do you understand?”

Tobirama didn’t but...”I understand. Will we train tomorrow instead?”

Hashirama smiled and hugged him. Is was much lighter than normal and he let go almost immediately.

“Of course we can!” He laughed and disappeared into the surrounding woods. Heading in a straight line towards the Naka river.

Tobirama end up spending the day alone by their koi pond. He stretches and then keeps trying to manipulate the water in the pond with chakra. By the afternoon he is standing, if a bit wobbly, on the water. He presses his hands into the rat seal for focus and slowly an arch of water lifts from the surface. Like a watery half circle hovering above his head.

It takes him another two hours but by then he has the the koi swimming curiously in the fore hovering archways crisscrossing the pond.

Hashirama would love to see this he thinks. His brother is finally heading back from the river so he fluctuate his chakra in the pattern for “come and see”.

Hashirama enters the compound and heads for the Tobirama. Then he turns left and goes into their fathers study. Tobirama blink and almost looses control over the water. One koi fish falls surprised back into the pond before he holds the chakra steady again.

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