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There was a minute of complete silence, all eyes on Sapnap as they waited for a reaction. Guilt was clawing at him, making him just want to curl up and die on the spot. He’d helped put Dream there. Dream was dead and he had been suffering for years and Sapnap did nothing. But even stronger than the overbearing guilt was boiling hot rage. He was going to kill Sam.

Before anyone could stop him, Sapnap was lunging at Sam. His vision was red, his body almost entirely aflame, and all he wanted to do was drive his sword straight through that asshole’s heart.

Sam stumbled back, pulling out his own sword and shield and just barely managing to block the first hit. All cries of protest and disbelief from the gathered members of the server,  Dream's server,  fell on deaf ears as Sapnap continued to slash at the man who had dared to hurt the one he had claimed as his brother.

Finally, he managed to break the shield and after a bit more fighting, knock the sword out of his hands. He raised the sword once more to deliver the final blow. But before he could, Sapnap was being pulled back by someone from the crowd. Fuck, they must have made fire resistance. He tried to struggle against it but more and more people kept joining them until nearly half the room was focused on stopping Sapnap.

“SOMEONE KNOCK HIM OUT!” Sapnap heard someone yell and after a couple of moments, a glass bottle was being pushed into his mouth and his vision began to cloud. Sapnap fought against it but before he knew it, his eyes were slipping shut and he was falling into a deep sleep.

she is so pog and has the best mf ideas so please go check her out on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2E7oDnMLCzvA6D9LU111wg/videos) and twitter (Lunar_ArtistYT)!!
if u comment or kudos i love u w my entire soul thank u sm for reading

Chapter 3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Sam breathed a sigh of relief once Sapnap was finally knocked out. He’d seen the man angry plenty of times (the blaze hybrid had always had a rather short temper) but never like... that . Sapnap was more fire than man and every single attack was filled with the obvious intent to kill. It was fucking terrifying.

He tried to get up but stopped immediately as a fresh wave of pain shot through him. Just because Sapnap hadn’t gotten to kill him did not mean he got away unscathed. Almost every part of his body was bruised, cut, or broken in some way. God, that man could pack a punch when he wanted to.

He was about to ask if anyone had a healing potion before a shout from the other side of the room stopped him.

“What the hell?” All of the blood drained out of his face as he looked up to see George making his way towards him. “Why would you stop him! Did you not hear a single word that DreamXD said?” Thankfully, instead of heading for him, George stoped by Sapnap. He dropped to his knees, pulling Sapnap out of the arms of the ones who were restraining him and into his lap.

“Well we couldn’t just let him kill Sam,” Quackity shot back. “Sam’s the Warden! Of course, he’s going to need to punish the prisoner sometimes.” Sam smiled at Quackity. Quackity understood what had been trying to achieve! Hell, he was half the reason Sam was even able to do what he did.

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