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Hashirama frowned at him as he spoke, moving back over and settling behind the desk. “But you used to help me with the Clan work all the time, you never complained then.”

“That’s different Anija, being Clan Heir gave me the authority to do those things in your place. I can’t do that here, as Hokage you are the single most authority in the Village and you have the responsibilities to go with that.”

Looking at the other, he could see that his answer didn’t satisfy him. Biting back the frustration rising in his chest, he tried to think of another way to explain, one his brother would be more willing to accept.

He never gets the chance.

“I don’t think I need to do all of this though, as long as it gets done surely it doesn’t matter if it’s me or you doing it.” Pouting again, Hashirama continued, “Besides, I want to spend more time with Mito and Madara. He’s been so busy since you left you know, now you’re back he won’t spend so much time cooped up in that office!” Now out right grinning, Hashirama looked back at Tobirama with bright eyes, “It’s not like you have much reason to leave the office anyway, who better to trust this with than my own brother?”

Frozen, Tobirama stood in front of his brother silently for a precious few seconds, determinedly not thinking about what his brother had implied. (What about his students and his lab work? He may not be the most sociable person, but he’s always enjoyed teaching children. Did he just not know? Or did he not care? Why was Madara’s time more important than his own? )

“I’m honoured by your trust in me, but the point remains Anija. The people chose you to represent them, I wouldn’t wish to go against that choice now that they’ve finally seen your dream of peace.” The words were spoken low, his head tilted down as he avoided his brother’s eyes. (He knew he didn’t mean it. Hashirama had always spoken without thinking, a habit that had caused more problems than not with Butsuma. He knew that.)

(But he was tired, and injured, and this time the words hurt more than they should.)

A huffed sigh and nod from Hashirama let some of the tension leave his body. He didn’t doubt they’d be having a similar conversation again soon enough, nor did he fool himself into thinking that the appearance of his brother’s work at his desk would stop completely. But at least Hashirama would concentrate for now.

Bidding his brother goodbye, Tobirama made his way back to his own office. Even with the return of the stack to his brother’s desk, his own was still more paper than wood. He knew the next week would be painstakingly tedious as he worked through the many piles of paper. Then again, he figured as he sank into his seat, if he pulled an all-nighter or two he’d likely be able to get things done in a few days. It wasn’t like he’d never done that, or worse, before. And if it would allow him to seek out his students, and any other children, to do some teaching, well, he was only doing his duty to the Village by ensuring his work was done in a timely manner.

(No one would believe otherwise anyway.)

Hashirama gets introduced and he immediately puts his foot in it XD
This one's mainly laying some ground work for future things and giving a feel for the bro's relationship.

Chapter 3: Anger Issues And Mild Introspection ft Madara
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
Madara was frustrated, and a frustrated Madara was a loud Madara. Clenching his fist tightly, he stalked away from the pale faced contractor, biting down on his tongue to prevent the angry words from spewing out. He knew it wasn’t the other man’s fault. He knew that the contractors needed the contract and finalised planning for the academy before they started work. He knew that. It didn’t mean he wasn’t furious at the delay however, especially when he knew exactly who was meant to get the aforementioned paperwork completed.

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