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It’s called fluff, sweetie, and it ain’t my fault it falls out ev’ry now an’ then,” he twirled a lock of white fur around his finger, watching the maid scurry around with a dustpan and brush along the path he’d just taken, gathering up microscopic strands, “What’s got you hunnies so worked up? Not that you ain’t all up-tight anyway the both’er ya, but yer vibes are especially off.”

“Mr Alastor has visitors! Mr Vox and Ms Velvette! He said that once I finish cleaning for the day I can have Ms Velvette to myself!” she cheered, gathering up the last of the barely-visible fur and shaking the pan violently over a bin to empty it all out, “It’s going to be wonderful! I’m going to show her all of my dresses, she can help me with my recipes, we could talk about Voxtagram together- oo! Do you think she’d want to read my fanfiction? I think so!”

She didn’t wait for an answer, wielding the pan and brush like a sword and shield as she scuttled away into an air vent.

“Vox is here?” Angel tried to keep the rising nerves away from his voice.

“Yup. Two of the three Vs and the Radio Demon all under the same roof.”

“How uh- how long they been here?”

“Got here about eight. Shocker they ain’t burnt the place down yet but I think they’re actually just here to hang out- Charlie seems ta’ think so. Said that Vox could be a good influence on him because if they’re bein friends then they ain’t gonna be fighting no more. Load’a shit.”

Husk very obviously didn’t give a shit about portraying his true feelings with his morose tone as he grabbed the vodka and filled up a second glass for Angel.

“Careful, pussycat. What if Vags or the princess catch ya with this?” the spider attempted to joke, trying to make light of the situation wherever possible.

“Vags knows I’ve got this. She drank it too. Princess saw, didn’t care.”

Angel squinted. “Now I know you’re lyin’.”

“Scouts honor I ain’t,” he eyed the spider’s expression, seemingly searching. It made Angel’s fur stand on end under the scrutiny, “Vags had about the same reaction as you when Vox an’ Vel showed up. The girls are taking the day off. Didn’t tell me I could keep drinking the strong stuff but didn’t confiscate it either so.” Husk shrugged.

The spider sinner breathed. In, hold, out. Stay calm. This was fine.

“Must be nice havin’ a lazy day. I gotta leave for work at three so it ain’t like I can lounge around forever.”

The bar cat grimaced around his drink a little. “Doesn’t Val ever give you a break?”

“Nah,” he shrugged, taking a sip of the breakfast-vodka, “I’m his main cash cow. He wants to milk me for all I’m worth. Don’t mind it, but I’d rather be milked by someone else if yannow what I mean.” Angel made a point of slowly running his eyes down Husk’s body, lingering over his groin.


Angel laughed. “I’m only fuckin’ wit’cha. Unless you’re down?”

“Hell no. Don’t need no hookers in my life. Already got a murder-deer I’m in debt to.”

He laughed again, more forced this time, then sank into silence. It remained that way for far too long.

Angel felt his mind wandering to thoughts and questions he’d rather not linger on. Silence had never been a friend. Meaningless conversation always helped keep his mind away from the unpleasant.

“Alright,” Husk sighed, pulling up a stall and plonking himself down opposite Angel, “Yer clearly got somethin’ on ya mind. Spill, kid.”

“Just planning how to get you in bed with me, baby~” Another forced laugh, one that Husk clearly wasn’t buying. The spider bit the inside of his cheek. “I don’t think you’d want to hear about it.”

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