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Ochako looked away as she felt her face start to heat up. "O-oh." Deciding to instead turn her attention back to Izuku, she couldn't help find herself staring at his face as he continued to mutter up a storm, watching all of their other classmates run the track .

'C'mon, Ochako,' she thought, in an attempt to reason with herself. 'It's because he looks weird doing that...right?'

Slightly shaking her head, her thoughts then turned to Izuku's own Quirk. When he had told her the name of his invisible (to everyone but him, at least) companion, and how it would repeatedly yell out the word 'useless' as a battle cry, she was overcome with the strangest sense of déjà vu, although she couldn't seem to recall where she had heard the information before. She swore she had never seen nor heard of anyone who had done that before in her life, but there was a strange feeling of... familiarity to the knowledge.

Katsuki, meanwhile, had noticed her odd behavior, and was watching her out of the corner of his eye with a raised eyebrow, before ultimately deciding to ignore it.

Eventually, it came time for Izuku's turn to run the test. Walking up to the starting line, he took a deep breath and began lightly stretching and mentally preparing himself, as he bent down into a running start position. Turning to his right, he saw Katsuki doing the same thing. "Kacchan." At the sound of his nickname, the boy turned to see Izuku holding out a fist to him. "Ready to show everyone who's boss?"

Katsuki looked at the offered fist for a moment, before smirking and returning it. "You know me so well, Deku." Turning their attention back to the track, a few moments of silence passed, before the robot that oversaw and recorded each score began to speak the countdown.

"On your mark...get set..." With the sound of a gunshot, Izuku shot forward, with his legs imbued with Gold Experience's. Through countless hours of experimenting, Izuku had concluded that the speed at which Gold Experience could attack had to be somewhere close to, if not faster than the speed of sound, based on the fact that he couldn't even see Gold Experience's fists flying during a punching barrage. Unfortunately, however, it couldn't exactly apply to whenever he himself would use it to enhance his own body, because it had its own physical limits, and he could still vividly recall how painful that event had been.

One day during the ten months spent training for the exam, Izuku had tried to push himself as much as possible during a sprint exercise. And while he was able to run at a speed that far outclassed his middle school gym scores, it ended up with most, if not all of the muscles in his legs being torn apart from the massive strain. After about a minute of panicking from him, Katsuki, and Toshinori, they eventually remembered that he had the ability to heal himself, and so calmed down. Once he had repaired the damaged limbs, he received a stern warning from the man to be careful with pushing himself, and to count himself lucky for being able to undo any damage done with ease, which he had taken to heart.

At least it wasn't too bad, even if the memory did keep him up at night from time to time.

"4.13 seconds!" the robot loudly announced. It seemed that Katsuki was the one with the upper hand, as he used his Quirk to repeatedly ignite small explosions and propel himself forward, which eliminated the need to set his feet on the ground. Izuku wasn't too far behind, though, as he still managed to train his body up to the point of being able to run at a speed that was still impressive, managing to stay right behind him with a time of 4.46 seconds.

"" Izuku said, slightly disappointed that he couldn't beat his friend, but it was obvious that he would have the disadvantage no matter what. He briefly considered having Gold Experience throw him at full strength, but he didn't think Aizawa would appreciate the landing part.

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