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The doctor shook his head “Even if we did restart treatment, she’s far too weak for it to be of any good to her. The cancer has spread to the point where we can only give comfort measures. The best advice I can give... Is to bring anyone who wants to say goodbye. Sooner rather than later” 

“Light...?” Ryuzaki asked when the doctor walked away 

Light turned on his heel and stormed away towards their shared bedroom, tears once again falling down his face. Only this time they were tears of anger. Rem hadn’t kept up their end of the bargain. Mitsuko was dying despite him doing everything the Shinigami wanted. Once in the bedroom, Light slammed the door shut behind him and locked it so he was alone. 


“He put a gun to himself” the shell-shocked father muttered as he paced the floor “He – he tried to end his own life... Why?” he whispered “Why would he do such a thing?” 

Aizawa didn’t have any answers. He too was just as befuddled at his superior. “Maybe touching the notebook drove him temperately mad? Maybe he couldn’t take seeing a Shinigami, what with his best friend dying upstairs” 

“But what about what he said? He said something about not becoming someone else again” Matsuda spoke with a worried tone “What could that mean?” 

They all suspected the same thing. Light’s outburst and reaction to the Death Note could only point in one direction. And his words before attempting to take his own life? They hit far too close to home for the task force. It also didn’t help that Rem was now a permanent fixture of the Tower. The Shinigami’s presence was enough to set anyone on edge. Rem had said nothing pertaining to the investigation. They had yet to speak at all. 

Aizawa picked up the notebook, flipping it open for the first time “How to use it...” he muttered “It says here that anyone who’s name is written in the Death Note...shall die... The death will not take effect unless the person’s face is in mind when writing his or her name. Therefore people sharing the same name will not be affected” he shuddered as he continued reading out the rules of the Death Note. Everything now made sense. Why the deaths were more commonly heart attacks, how Kira was able to set the time of death so easily. All Kira’s unworldly powers from a seemingly unremarkable notebook. “There’s more on the back cover. One rule states that if the notebook becomes unusable by damage or burning, all the humans who have touched the notebook will die” 

“What!?” Matsuda squeaked 

A perfect failsafe. Teru thought as he sat quietly in the corner. With that rule, no one on this pathetic task force will even attempt to destroy it. It’s safety is guaranteed which means my memories will remain. I only wish my darling Light’s reaction hadn’t been so unpleasant. No matter, I’ll be able to comfort him soon enough. Soon as I deal with...him. A dark look flashed over him as he stared at the back of Ryuzaki’s head. If everything went to plan, the infamous L would be dead within the week. 

“The last rule says that if the person using the note fails to consecutively write names to be killed within thirteen days of each other, then the user will die” Aizawa finished feeling uneasy 

“Wait a second. Doesn’t that mean both Misa and Mikami are in the clear? They were both in our custody for over fifty days without access to the notebook” Matsuda voiced 

Yagami frowned “If these rules are accurate, then neither could be Kira or the second Kira as both would be long dead by now” 

“I did tell you I wasn’t guilty” sighed Teru from his seat. 

“Oh, I didn’t see you there” said Aizawa awkwardly “Still, none of this explains Light’s reaction on the bridge... Look, everyone’s thinking it, I’m just saying it. I don’t think Light is or was Kira but I do believe he knows a hell of a lot more than he’s letting on. If Light had prior knowledge of the Death Note and its abilities, he may have tried to prevent the deaths himself” 

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